Art: Draco Malfoy and the Grabby Cephalopod (NC-17)

Jan 29, 2011 00:08

So I had one of my random spurts of sociability today. I went over to serpentinelion 's friending meme and friended a couple of people, but not everyone. Because, let's face it, everyone in the H/D fandom is too lovely for words, but I get all shy and scared when meeting big groups of people. Let's see how many stick around before realising that I'm actually quite boring and inconsistent...

You know what else I remembered? I never got round to posting my bottom_draco fest submission on my journal.

Title: Draco Malfoy and the Grabby Cephalopod
Artist: mayfly_78
Pairing(s): Giant Squid/ Draco and a side of Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry wished all his assignments were this enjoyable.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Warning(s): explicit sexual content, non-con, tentacle!sex, nudity, voyerism
Medium: india ink
Artist's Notes: Done for the second bottom_draco fest. This is my first attempt at a comic, and it has given me a new admiration for all the great comic artists in the fandom. Comics aren't as easy as they seem... As soon as I saw the prompt it was love at first sight! I have always wanted an excuse to try my hand at tentacle porn. This was great fun to think up and draw! I would like to thank my lovely beta raisinous_fiend for correcting my badly written text and my gorgeous long-suffering friend Nikoletta for putting up with my obsessing over my comic on our summer holidays and with coming up with the ending for me.

my harry potter art

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