Art: Seek, And You Shall Find (Gen, Harry-centric)

Aug 11, 2014 23:51

Many many hugs to all the lovely people who have commented on my last couple of posts of misery. You are all the very very best!

And now it's time to stop bringing you all down and to post some old art I kept on putting off. This art is over six months old!

Title: Seek, And You Shall Find
Artist: mayfly_78
Characters and/or Pairings: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Blaise, Draco
Word Count: ~ 280
Media: India inks, Photoshop
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Gen, but there is a hint of pre-slash if you squint hard enough
Disclaimer: None of it is mine, I'm just playing.
Beta(s): raisinous_fiend, gelsey
Summary: Now the war is over, Harry is left looking for new purpose and excitement in his life.
Artist's Notes: Drawn for dawnlett for 2013's hpholiday. I would like to give lots of thanks to my two brilliant betas, raisinous_fiend and gelsey, without who's help and encouragement I would have never managed! Many hugs have to also go to the wonderful mods for being so understanding and all around great.

my harry potter art

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