Art (Animation): Metamorphosis (H/D, PG)

Dec 30, 2013 11:02

Title: Metamorphosis
Artist: mayfly_78
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Harry / Draco
Summary: Harry and Draco are having a secret affair when McGonagall ropes the 8th year into a camping trip up the scottish mountains to help them bond. Things don't turn out quite as planned.
Warnings/Content Notes: b&w art, incredibly slow animation, text that might be hard to read, minimalist piano music
Medium: India ink on bristol board, photoshop, iphoto
Artist's Notes: Drawn for PROMPT #59 submitted by melusinahp for hd_fan_fair's 2013 Book Fair. Many many thanks to my wonderful beta raisinous fiendling for holding my hand, cheering me on and catching all my mistakes, I don't know what I would have done without her.

Metamorphosis from mayfly78 on Vimeo.

[For those who are interested, here are the stills. Beware! Image heavy!]

Draco: Hello there, stranger.

Harry: Hello, gorgeous.

Draco: Flattery will get you everywhere.

Harry: I know where I want it to get me.

Draco: And where would that be?

Harry: Into the very very tight trousers of the sexiest boy at Hogwarts.

Draco: Would you still want me if I wasn't?

Harry: Of course I would!

Draco: Even if I had horns?

Draco: Or claws?

Draco: Or fangs?

Harry: You've been reading the Monster Book of Monsters again, haven't you?

Draco: I hate hiking!

Harry: I know.

Draco: And I hate camping!

Harry: I know.

Draco: I don't need one of the headmistress's harebrained schemes to get closer to the other houses.

Harry: We two are pretty close already, aren't we?

Draco: These Muggle tents are too small!

Harry: Good thing you're sharing with me then.

Draco: What was that? It could be dangerous out here!

Harry: Don't worry. I'll protect you.

Draco: I can't sleep like this!

Harry: That's all right, I don't want to sleep either.

Draco: Did Finnegan have to poke that sprite's nest?

Harry: And did Parkinson have to be so rude about it?

Draco: Now I have horns!

Harry: So do I!

Draco: And claws!

Harry: So do I!

Draco: And fangs!

Harry: So do I!

Draco: I'm a monster!

Harry: So am I!

Harry: I still think you're gorgeous!

Draco: You're not so bad yourself either.


my harry potter art, videos

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