Art: Hall of Mirrors (H/D, PG)

Jul 29, 2013 23:33

I will update on my holiday shenanigans when I get the photos from my friend and put my memories in order. But for now I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes despite me routinely forgetting everyone else's birthdays. Thank you, you made my birthday a little brighter!

Also, since I am seriously considering doing another animation for a fest I have signed up for, here is my first ever flash animation! It is very primitive and simple, but I don't expect to ever get to actual moving images style animations.

Artist: mayfly_78
Title: Hall Of Mirrors
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warnings: silent b&w animation, german electronica soundtrack, slow pacing, slightly flashing images, simple art
Summary: Mirrors only reflect and re-interpret what is already there. Remix of bsmog's Malfoy and the Menagerie.
Medium: India Ink, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling. Scenes illustrated inspired directly from bsmog's fic. Music used: Hall Of Mirrors by Kraftwerk.
Author's notes: This was created for hd_remix vol.5. bsmog's fic just gripped me and begged me to remix it. I hope I managed to do it justice!

Hall of mirrors - flash animation by lazylinepainterjane on deviantART

[For those of who are interested, here are the images from the video in comic form]

[And because everyone likes kisses, here are enlarged the two kisses from the animation:]

music, my harry potter art, videos

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