a conversation

Mar 20, 2011 00:11

[privacy failed; public]

[a woman's voice, strained with nervousness.] H...hello?

Hmm? Hey Mom, phone's ringing! ...Aw, fine, I'll get it. Who's there?

Is... Is this Billy? [a deep breath.] It's the head librarian at the... the Mayfield Library. N...now, it seems Billy has a... book overdue.

Huh? You gotta be joking, lady. Reading's ( Read more... )


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Comments 37

thatsnotaknife March 20 2011, 06:18:20 UTC
... Jesus Christ. Blake? Sweetheart, can ya- bloody hell...


repeatsalvation March 20 2011, 06:24:27 UTC
A better place to live...


braided_icarus March 20 2011, 06:24:30 UTC
What....was that all about?


inheritedtales March 20 2011, 06:26:08 UTC
...Of course it's hardly surprising things aren't what they appear.

[Silence as the gears of her brain work.]


outtahell March 20 2011, 06:26:22 UTC
[ Welp, now he'll be keeping an even closer eye on the highway than he already was. ]


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