Event: Better Dead | Action Post

Oct 19, 2010 20:19

[Officer Grady has been seen patrolling the streets the past few days, but today, you seem to be running into him even more frequently.

In fact, at some point in the day, Grady will be knocking on the door of many of the houses in town. If you choose to answer, the two of you might just have a pleasant conversation.]

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Comments 398

456 Stone st muskatli October 20 2010, 00:32:07 UTC
[Hungary had finally gotten used to the idea of people calling by phone before visiting. She's quite unprepared as she opens the door, some dirt smudges from tending to the flowers still lingering on her cheeks as she opens the door.]

I'm coming, you don't have to knock so much--


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 00:49:37 UTC
Hello, Miss, jus' on a little trip round the neighborhood. Is the man of the house around?


muskatli October 20 2010, 01:12:26 UTC
It's you

[She regains her composure, putting on the comfortable manners of a maid]

Hu-- Maes is at work right now. Can I help you with anything, sir?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:28:12 UTC
Did ya' think you lot would try an' pull something like this an' get away with it? Yer bigger idiots than I thought.

Tell me where that commie bastard is, an' it'll be worth it for ya'. One time offer.


504 Ricardo Street. sonic_enforcer October 20 2010, 00:34:33 UTC
Hello, may I--

[When Fate opens the door, she skips a beat; she had never seen him before, but the description of Grady she had gotten from Yuki's notes matched this man to a T.]

--may I help you?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 00:53:42 UTC
Actually, ye' can. Or you will if yer smart.

Have ye' seen anyone suspicious around? Specifically, an ugly suspicious Russian son-of-a-bitch?


sonic_enforcer October 20 2010, 01:05:25 UTC
Oh, no, not that I know of. Is he doing something bad, officer?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:30:26 UTC
This is yer' last chance to get outta this ahead. That Sergei bastard, where is he?


1249 Williams Road. sue_of_truth October 20 2010, 00:38:43 UTC
[Lazy bum family!!! Erika goes to answer the door and when she sees the man on the other side...

She grins, spins, and curtsies all very elegantly and adorably.]

Oh~! Mister Officer, how can I help you♥?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 00:55:33 UTC
Ye' can help by spitting up what you know about that crazy commie bastard runnin' around.


sue_of_truth October 20 2010, 01:05:49 UTC


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:30:58 UTC
Sergei. Hurry up an' tell me.


339 Brady techno_mancer October 20 2010, 00:39:16 UTC
[Quinn's only been here a 2 days and no one's given him any warning on Grady. He's pretty surprised to see a cop at his door.]

Uh. Hey officer. Can I help you?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 00:57:11 UTC
Ye' think I don't know what you're doin--

Jus' tell me where that Sergei bastard is.


techno_mancer October 20 2010, 01:07:30 UTC
Ah,'fraid I don't know any Sergeis, sir. [He looks genuinely confused.]


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:32:14 UTC
Tch, course ye' don't.

Ye' just wasted the best offer yer gonna get.

[And with that he walks away down the street to the next house.]


949 Beulah mymic October 20 2010, 00:39:48 UTC
[Marivel can't think of who'd be knocking on the door, but answers regardless. Maybe they wanted to talk to Kresnik or something.]

Yes? May I help you with anything?


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:00:49 UTC
It'd be a big help if ye' told me anythin' you know about that commie on the loose.


mymic October 20 2010, 01:10:54 UTC
'Commie'...? Ah, I'm afraid I'm unsure as to what you're talking about, sir.


mayfield_mods October 20 2010, 01:33:00 UTC
Don't ye' watch the news, punk? That Sergei that's been runnin' around - where is he?


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