Who: Simon and Nia
What: The start of much adorable on Nia's part and much awkward on Simon's.
When: ... idk? uh. Sometime?
Where: The Herrmann house.
Warnings: If you get cavities from Nia's cute, don't blame me :|;;;
Listening to Maroon 5 and trying to play Simon doesn't work. )
Comments 46
But it was difficult for her to teach. So she was grateful Simon had found another method.
And yet... as she watched the boy, something was bothering her. It had been bothering her for a while, actually, ever since she arrived in this strange town.
And now? It was finally time to find the answer.
"Simon?" the girl asked, voice light, "What are a husband and a wife?"
She had even brought him along so he could hear the answer too. After all, maybe he just didn't know either.
"Miss Mia?"
Simon was trying to hide himself behind Nia, so Mia didn't say anything.
Then, she asked the question without hesitation. "What does it mean to sleep with someone, but not actually sleep?"
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