event: every time a bell rings

Dec 25, 2011 00:33

[As midnight strikes on Christmas eve, the sound of sleigh bells echo through the air. All of the effects of the event are immediately gone. Erased characters are no longer perceived as anything other than themselves, non-erased characters will have their memories back. However, memories of the event and what happened during it will be clear to everyone. Think back and remember exactly how you treated that 'doppleganger' who you now can clearly recall was always the real person; remember exactly what you were like with different memories and a different personality.

The town will also be back to normal; a light snow will fall all day on Christmas, but the chill in the air is gone, replaced with an ordinary pleasant crispness. Shops and restocked and all power difficulties and missing regains are restored entirely.

There are also presents under the tree. Everyone will receive a gift, from Santa, with a regain inside. An additional regain will be under the tree for all who participated in the event. Stockings over the fireplace will be labeled with the names of every person in the house, with simple toys and treats from back home for some characters, and nothing but coal for others. All day, It's a Wonderful Life will be playing on television.]

The event is now over! There are two regains for this event: Santa regains, which any character in the game may receive regardless of participation, and an additional regain for event participation. Participation means commenting and posting related to the event, as always. Please be clear on the regain post whether a regain is your free Christmas regain or an event regain.

Everything will be back to normal now except Christmas decorations, which will last through the day. Stockings will either have toys and treats from back home (please be reasonable about this, nothing big enough that it should be a regain-- just good things to eat and small, non-personal items) or coal. Which your character gets will depend on whether your character was nice or naughty during the previous event, but it's up to you to decide which and how you're going to define that.

Have a happy holiday to everyone who celebrates!


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