event: peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union

Nov 28, 2011 00:02

[You survived whatever nuclear disaster left Mayfield in this state, and if you've made it this long you've survived the cannibal onslaught as well. The funny thing about the nuclear apocalypse, however, is that it never really ends. In the real world, there is no climactic moment wherein the problem is solved and the world begins to heal. In the real world, there is no magical reset button that makes everything the way it was before. If you think about it, really, you died the moment those buttons were pushed and the missiles were launched. Everything since then hasn't been living- it's just been about surviving.

Any hopes you had died two days ago. It's taken until now for your body to start catching up.

Compared to being ripped apart by bloodthirsty cannibals, radiation poisoning may not be the worst way to die, but it's certainly up there. Walls and doors can keep the cannibals at bay, but they offer little resistance against the creeping death in the air.

At first, it may seem like a simple headache- until it gets worse. As the hours pass, the symptoms only grow worse. Dizziness, nausea, and fever begin to set in. Any wounds sustained by the cannibals- or anything else, for that matter -are starting to bleed more than they should. Even the cannibals seem to be feeling the effects: they're as vicious as ever, but some of them seem to be slowing, and you may start to notice blood trickling out of their ears, mouths and noses. The really nasty symptoms- the hair loss, the blisters, the unbearable pain, and the inevitable death? Well, those haven't begun yet. But if things keep up this way, they will.

Some of you will still be left by the end of day 3- clinging to life, despite everything. But you know it won't be long- another day or two, perhaps -before the deaths will start. One by one, each survivor will drop like flies, until no one is left- and Mayfield is populated, once more, by the dead and the dead alone.

As always, comments, questions and concerns go to this post.

Edit: Just to clarify, both dying and being affected by the radiation is absolutely optional for this event! The event will end after day 3, so it is completely plausible to assume that your characters managed to avoid the effects if you're not comfortable playing it out.]

day 3, event

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