event: peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union

Nov 24, 2011 15:48

[A voice, from out of the television, or the phone, or perhaps out of thin air. It belongs to your friendly neighborhood Police Chief, Jack Smith.]

-alright, I'm telling them, can you please get off my back already? Jesus.

Alright, so. I bet you're all expecting something horrible for Thanksgiving this year, huh? Exploding turkeys, or turkeys filled with razorblades or something. Can't really fault you for that, there's been some mix-ups in the past, I know.

But, hey, folks, nothing to worry about on that front! The Mayor and I have taken extra special care to, uh, persuade the- er- turkey farms to make sure that nothing goes wrong this year. Just a nice, normal, all-American Thanksgiving, turkey and gravy, all that shit. I mean, stuff! All that stuff. Everything's good, everything's fine, everything's alright.

So, here's what we want you folks to do. You guys have been given a lot, right? I don't know where most of you came from, but it can't be half as great as our fantastic little town of Mayfield. You've been given this great new place to live, and this lovely new family- so why not show your appreciation for it, hey? Go ahead, just get on the phones and tell us and each other all the great things about Mayfield you're thankful for. Don't be shy, we'd love to hear from you! But if you're too busy stuffing your faces with the turkeys we got you, that's fine too! Hahaha!

Seriously though, don't be afraid to thank us. And the, er, turkey farms. It would be really swell if you did.

Okay? So, happy Thanksgiving, everybody! God bless, and... yeah, all that. Okay, I told them, you happy now? God, I need a fucking drink...


[True enough, a delicious roast turkey has been delivered to each and every house in Mayfield. These are 100% genuine, un-tampered-with turkeys- no razor blades or poison here! Characters are not locked in their houses and forced to eat, or anything of that sort; for all intents and purposes, it seems that Mayfield may very well have a normal Thanksgiving for once.

Have fun.]


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