event: it came from the dairy aisle

Oct 29, 2011 00:00

[Following the relief of the vicious onslaught of mysterious creatures, you may be feeling good right now. Surely, surely, your troubles are at an end?

In the early hours of the morning, while darkness still sits heavy over the town, anyone does happen to look up in the sky will see the unmistakeable, glowing and spinning in the dark night air:

Yes, our friends from another world have returned, this time in great numbers, with seven or eight of them jerkily hovering in the sky. The unfortunate among you may just see a bright light and a tinny, artificially high pitched noise. Whether you're out and about or safe at home in your beds, those who see the light will be beamed up into the ships and vanish.

Once day breaks, the saucers are gone, but our missing friends and neighbors have not been returned.]

Today, some of you may be abducted by aliens! Those who are abducted by aliens will have simply vanished for today; there won't be anything to play out, and later your character will have no memory of what happens today. But tomorrow, the abducted characters will have something specific to do! We're not telling you what it is just yet, but there will be a point to opt out a little bit later if you decide you don't want to do it.

Please sign-up if your character will be abducted in the appropriate thread below! All questions as usual go in the question thread.

day 5, event

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