event: it came from the dairy aisle

Oct 28, 2011 00:02

[Yesterday was all good fun! Or maybe it was terrifying, that's hard to say. In fact, by this point, you're probably used to noticing unidentified flying objects appearing out of the corner of your eye. This time it's pretty clear they really are on strings. Yes, fortunately, despite these visitors' appearance, nothing unusual will be happening to you today.

...Or so you think.

Beginning at dawn, Mayfield is under attack! Giant monsters are swarming the town. From the highway come an invading army of deadly praying mantisses! From the ground, giant malicious ants will burrow out into the streets! And out from the depths of the lake come the most fearsome menaces of all, hideous crab monsters!

Is there any hope left for the sleepy town of Mayfield?]

That's right, until 11:59 PM, Mayfield is under attack from giant insects and crustaceans. All of these monsters will attack you by roaring threateningly, snapping their jaws and/or pinsors, and carrying off your women folk. Beyond that, they won't actually injury or kill anyone, but they will cause a lot of property damage.

The monsters are very easy to defeat if you should attempt to. In fact, they move slowly and jerkily and generally appear to be animatronic puppets. If you kill the ants or mantisses, you'll see that inside they really are poorly constructed 50s robots on a large scale. The crabs actually just have zippers on their back behind their shell. If you pull the zipper, they are hollow inside, and they'll immediately stop moving.

Please use the comments below for plotting, and as always address all questions to the correct thread.

day 4, event

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