event: it came from the dairy aisle

Oct 27, 2011 00:01

[Whew. The danger is over, and you've finally got those blob stains out of your carpet. Finally, an ordinary, peaceful day. Your troubles are over.

Or are they?

Late at night, some of you may once again spot a fleeting glimpse of an extraterrestial vistor hovering in the sky for a moment before vanishing. Some of you may also notice a strange, greenish gas cloud occasionally moving through the air.

Those who happen to breathe in air from this cloud will undergo a transformation! Some of you will begin to grow rapidly, not stopping until you reach heights of 30 feet! Others will begin to shrink, not stopping until you're only one inch tall.]

Anyone exposed to the mysterious atomic substances will either grow or shrink! Please sign your character up in the appropriate threads below. The growing and shrinking will be slow, but within a few hours it will be complete. The effects will last until 11:59 PM, at which time all destruction caused will revert to normal.

Before you get any ideas, anyone attempting too much destruction on town property or attempting anything that will cause non-drones to die will be droned. Droned giants and shrunken drones will just attempt to go about their business as normal, sidestepping any property damages and instead attempting to do giant laundry or mow tiny lawns.

Reply to the appropriate thread for questions and plot in the comments below!

day 3, event

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