event: it came from the dairy aisle

Oct 25, 2011 23:59

[The deadly dopplegangers are gone, and all is well in Mayfield. Or is it??

Yes, in the early hours of the morning, before sunrise, strange glimpses of something from another world can be seen jerking across the sky as though propelled by stop motion. If you do happen to catch a glimpse, they'll immediately be gone.

Around 6 am, there's the sound of an explosion out near the highway. The adventurous may go out to investigate it, and will find a strange, small gelatinous substance. If you approach it, however, it will consume you! The gelatinous blob will quickly expand, spreading outward from the highway, covering the entire town by evening. If you're in its path, you'll be consumed completely!

Of course, you surprisingly won't suffocate inside the gelatinous mess, it will just be a little sticky and uncomfortable. You can't swim out, but you can eat your way out. The flavor is cherry.]

The blob will remain in the town until 11:59 PM, at which point it will disappear leaving nothing behind but a sticky residue all over your clothes.

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day 2, event

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