event: it came from the dairy aisle

Oct 24, 2011 23:59

[Early in the morning on Tuesday, Mayfield is met with the disquieting sense that something is not right. There's an ominous feeling in the air.

And if you happen to look outside at the wrong time, you may happen to catch a glimpse of something...otherworldly. They move shakily through the air, almost as though attached to some sort of string. But that would be impossible...wouldn't it?

Strange things are afoot in this little town, that's for darn sure. And those strange things may be inside your own home. For some of you, when you awake in the morning, it may be clear that some of your housemates aren't quite right. In fact, you might think they were droned, but they're acting mostly normal and recall their own history. It's just that they seem so cheerful and...off somehow. They also have a tendency to make personally cutting and somewhat passive aggressive remarks about it in a very hurtful way. Sinister. But surely it's just your imagination that something is wrong?

On an obviously completely unrelated note, strange looking pods have sprouted all over town.]

Starting this morning, throughout the day townspeople will be abducted and placed into the enormous vegetable looking pods all over town. They've been replaced by near perfect doubles, aside from drone-like cheerfulness and a tendency to hurt your feelings when you least expect it.

But it's easily remedied! Just go cut open one of the pods and free your friends if you feel like it. Of course, you'll still have to deal with the double, which will attack (but not attempt to kill) their doppleganger on sight.

Everyone trapped in pods will be freed at 11:59 pm this evening, and at that time all doubles will also disappear. Please use the thread below to sign up if your character will be body-snatched! For questions, please use the question thread. Plotting can go in the main part of the comments.

day 1, event

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