Oct 19, 2011 23:07

Heya again, Mayfield! It's Trev-MUN, player of Balin Wilbur (walking_nuke) and Falk Gatt (nanocerancowboy).

Today (October 19, that is) was my birthday; I turned 28! So, knowing that my birthday was this month I decided to app for another OC from an old birthday "tradition" of mine. After seeing the Earthbound, Sam and Max, and Adventure Time apps this time around, I had no reason not to. October is truly the month of crack apps.

Anyway! Say hello to Key-Fu, a wandering martial artist! Key-Fu will be living with Picky Minch (imjustpicky) at 7132 Brooks Lane. Key-Fu is going to test that boy's sanity meter so much.

Facts and amazing things about Key-Fu:
    • He was a "champion vampire killer." Or so he says.
    • He is always crosseyed and almost never stops grinning.
    • He does not speak normally. His speech always sounds stereotypically heroic, and it's always full of malaprops and flowery words.
    • His martial art involves striking opponents with the Key rune. It's very, very sturdy.
    • He has superhuman agility and dexterity and can land blows so fast it'll look like multiple selves of him are attacking.
    • Any sort of damage, incuding blunt trauma, will cause blood to splash out of him.
    • He owns a Winnebago. A very badly beat-up Winnebago. He calls it "The Steed." Nevermind it has "SOY BOMB!" spraypainted on the side.

You can get the full story on him from his application here; I'm still setting up his journal at the moment!

So, then! friend add monk_of_keyfu at the admin console, or hit up the hovermenu: (monk_of_keyfu)

I bid you all a most pleasant parting of the night!

intro, oh shit!

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