event: speak up

Jul 12, 2011 20:55

[Immediately after the news ends, Mayfield is different. There's a tenser atmosphere, somehow, and drones are staying indoors. Any drones in your household, should you try to go outside after dark, will follow you with warnings to be careful and not get into any trouble, although they will not actually stand in your way.

On every street, telephone post, and shop window are posters warning to beware of communists and giving the number to call should any communist be found. A letter will also be sent to every member of the police force:


With the current difficulties, we will need each of you taking patrols on the streets looking for communists. Officers Doctor and Warren will be on duty from 6 am to 9 pm, and Officers Beilschmidt and McCann will be on duty from 6 pm to 9 am until all communists are found. Please patrol the streets individually and take any suspicious individuals in for questioning.

We expect that you will each be able to take at least 2 of the communists into custody every day!

Thank you for your service,

Mayor Doe

But in addition to the fear in the atmosphere, there's also something else in the air. Every time you breathe in, you'll notice a sweet floral scent, close to the smell of lavender but not quite. It's thick and the smell clings to your clothes and follows you everywhere, but it's pleasant.

And you may just find yourself feeling a little...relaxed.]

For the duration of this event, there's a substance in the air that will affect your characters! It works by seeping into the body through skin, and it should be capable to affect everyone in town. However, should you not wish to participate, your character may find themselves strangely unaffected. We only ask that if you intend for your character to participate in anything relating to Mayfield's game plot during this event that you do not choose to leave your character unaffected.

The substance seems to be a chemical that forces your character to be truthful. It will affect characters at different levels of potency, although the extent to which they are affected will only increase with continued exposure. The levels are:

Stage 1: Inability to tell distruths. Your character will not be able to say anything that is not true. This only pertains to the literal truth; characters can still be evasive, refuse to answer questions, or be dishonest as long as they are not telling any direct lies.

Stage 2: In this stage, characters will be unable to be dishonest. If asked a direct question, they will be forced to answer truthfully. They will not be able to be misleading.

Stage 3: Characters will feel compelled to speak truths. If there is anything they are hiding or attempting to keep secret, they will blurt it out. The more the truth is something they are ashamed of or the longer and harder they have tried to hide it, the more likely they are to be unable to stop themselves from telling someone. In this stage, characters may admit to things that they have tried to keep secret even from themselves; things that they know are true but that they have been trying to avoid acknowledging even in their own head.

Stage 4: This stage is the same as Stage 3, except that characters will feel compelled to announce these truths to the largest number of people possible. They will feel to compelled to tell every person they speak to their most closely guarded secrets.

Stage 5: Characters will believe they are a communist and will feel compelled to denounce themselves.

This event will last through Sunday, July 17th, although posts may be backdated. No sign-ups are required.

Questions go in the appropriate thread below. Plotting can take place in the replies to this post as well.


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