(no subject)

Jul 12, 2011 20:53

[The town has been silent on the subject of Grady and Jane Smith for these past days, with both missing and unremarked upon. But tonight, televisions across Mayfield will flicker on in time for the evening news.]

But as the teenagers stepped out of the car, the girl screamed in terror. Only then did he see it: a bloody hook hanging from the handle of the passenger door.

In other news, the sleepy town of Mayfield has been roiled by illicit activity of the most startling and newsworthy type! It has recently been discovered that members of a communist sect have been living in Mayfield for years, plotting the takeover of the local government to form a Soviet outpost right here in our backyard! It is our honor to report, in a news exclusive, that this sect has even placed itself among high ranking positions in town.

This shocking news came to light after the grisly murder of on innocent townsmember who stumbled upon this wrong-doing.

[The television screen flashes to a picture of what appears to be Jane Smith, but it's difficult to tell: her body has been torn into small and unrecognizable pieces, and most of what remains is just a grisly mess, but the decapitated head in the picture is certainly her.]

When asked for comment, Mayor Doe said only that the perpetrators of this treason would be brought to good ol' American justice.

To further exploit this tragedy, we go live to an exclusive interview with the victim's now motherless child.

[The picture again shifts to show Lucy Smith in her home, dressed in her funeral dress, and clutching a picture of Jane to her chest. It would be a sad image if little Lucy wasn't smiling. There doesn't seem to be a reporter anywhere in the picture.]

I'll never forgive that bad man who took mommy away, mister. He shouldn't have done something like that. But I know he'll be found, so nobody else needs to be worried about him.

[The picture again switches back to the news anchor, with a phone number flashing on the screen.]

If you know a communist, call the number on the screen to report them right away! If you are a communist, denounce yourself immediately and surrender to the authorities. The town of Mayfield will immediately begin anti-communist procedures as established in the town charter, so this reporter is confident no communist will hide for long.

And now we go to Pierre for the weather! Sunny as ever, I hope!

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