Snow Day!

Dec 06, 2011 14:38

WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Blizzard of 195X! Snow Day!
WHERE: John Doe Park (primary), Rec Center Ice Rink (secondary) & Makeout Point (secondary)
WHEN: December 6th, 9AM - ??
WARNING(S): Yellow snow, "special" surprises in snowballs, white-washes

ALSO: We're going to try something a little bit different from normal big event logs as far as organization of threads. I've seen this done with success so we'll try it here! This will be an experiment of sorts... Please comment with ONE THREAD (and only one!) per character to be tagged by others. For your header please write your character's name so people will be able to find and tag you with ease! For example, "Solid Snake | Open"; you can check out my post below as an example! There are three listed areas including John Doe Park and that's the Rec Center's ice rink and Makeout Point. Please try to contain your characters in these three listed areas in this log and please keep keep these three areas as the locations of focus in this log! You're free to wander about Mayfield to revel in the snow, but do so in a separate log or post about it in your journal. Action or Prose style threading is fine here; no pressure!

[ As the majority of Mayfield is settling in for the night, those outside or wary enough of the weather would notice the light flurry of snowflakes. It will continue for a few minutes until literally it's as if the sky opened and down came the snow; the wet, big and heavy kind. It would come down in massive flakes and in moments everything outside would have a fine white thin sheet on top, but it doesn't stop there. The snow storm would pick up in intensity, cranking out to a full wild blizzard with winds quickly picking up and snow falling at a rapid pace. It will continue all throughout the night mostly unexpected by the denizens of our fair town too; it's dangerously cold and windy outside! Finally, as the first rays of sunlight peek out from beyond the horizon, the raging blizzard from the night before would taper off to a very light flurry, sprinkling a fine white dust onto the already caked-in town of Mayfield.

There is snow everywhere and in massive amounts of it, so much snow in fact that the thought of a journey to work or school would be very unwelcome--but perhaps, with this much snow, there is a chance of closure? Of school? Of work!? Would Mayfield even allow such a thing to happen in this twisted town? Surely this distopian world would prevent such a break from the mundane, to issue a predictable weather schedule for its flock of super powered sheep to keep day to day operations at its highest level of capacity? If one would turn on the radio or the television, the following message will be repeated every few moments: ]

A blizzard has swept through the area, pouring an accumulated 28 inches of snow overnight. Due to the extreme weather, all public schools and government facilities will all be shut down... I repeat, a blizzard has swept through the area...

[ What a break! A call to your workplace would confer more or less the same message: ]

All employees should try their best to make it to work today because blah blah... responsibility, blah blah blah... dedication, blah blah... ...but if inclement weather prevents from making it to work regardless, all absences today will be excused.

[ You heard the TV and/or radio! You heard your boring supervisor! No school, no work, 30 inches of snow and a bright sunny day! It's a magical world, Mayfield! Get out there and enjoy it! ]

No one knows when it started, but at the heart of John Doe Park is a battlefield. Snowballs are flying in the air, there are snow forts and snowball caches and even trenches? Where are you in all of this? Crouched behind a barrier making snowballs? Creeping up on some poor unsuspecting sap? Better find some cover before you get a fast snowball lobbed to your face--or even worse, the dreaded yellow snowball!

Not all of the park has succumbed to chaos. In fact you'll find quiet and relatively peaceful corners and stretches of untouched land where people are building snowmen, making snow angels and otherwise horsing around! Is that an igloo? Are people playing football in the snow?

Since when did Mayfield have an outdoor ice rink? Well there's one here now (how suspicious!) and it's open (how doubly suspicious!!), so grab some skates and have some fun! Just stay off the zamboni. And don't try and run anyone over with it.

There's some great sledding to be had near the base of this popular point of interest! Skiing? Maybe not so much, since the top of the small mountain is treacherously dangerous with incredibly steep angles and jagged points. But that's not going to stop some of you from trying, right? Sadly not. Otherwise grab a sled and a few friends for some sledding fun!

solid snake

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