Beware the Forest Mushrooms

Nov 17, 2011 00:35


He shakes the package a few times, a bit confused, wondering what exactly had been returned to him this time around.  No sudden flash of insight.  No surge of power to his PSI.  Not even a pile of dirt from his hometown.  There's nothing but a brief puff of stale air that sends him into a coughing fit as he carefully examines the insides of the package for something of interest.  Whatever the regain was this time around...  He could only hope it would make itself known soon.  Lucas forgets the incident quickly enough and goes to sleep peacefully, unaware of what exactly he had released.

On the night of November 16th, the spores of the mushrooms from nightmarish Tanetane Island drift all over the town. By tomorrow, the ground will be covered with hauntingly familiar purple and white mushrooms, tempting in their beauty, deadly in their power.

The mushrooms that tore at the scars and weaknesses of the heart...  Who could say what effects they would truly have?

[The plot has begun!  The mushrooms will grow up overnight; you may just find mushroom omelets on your table for breakfast in the morning... Please remember to cut your posts for sensitive content and enjoy!  If you have any questions, look here first before asking, please!  You are welcome to respond here to mushrooms IC if you wish.  Otherwise, this is just a general announcement.] 
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