Who: Dawn, all former members of the KND when Nigel was running the show, and any preteen character who wants to join. Basically, if your character is under the age of 13, treated by the town as a little kid, or otherwise attends Mayfield elementary, feel free to handwave Dawn contacting you somehow and inviting you to this.
What: Following Nigel Uno's permadroning, Dawn has taken charge of the Kids Next Door per the rules of the tag game.
When: Tuesday after school lets out.
Where: Mayfield Elementary's playground, over by the jungle gym.
Warnings: I doubt it, but Mayfield's got some violent kids, so who the heck knows. This post will be in action tags to keep things flowing, and I also encourage both threadhopping and threadjacking.
[After school lets out, Dawn heads to Mayfield Elementary's playground just like she said in the message she'd passed around school earlier. Even though it's just talking to people she already knows around town, she's pretty nervous about this, and it definitely shows on her face as she tries to calm herself down by talking to Piplup.]
Do you think people will actually show up, Piplup? I hope I don't mess this up.
[The little blue penguin nods enthusiastically, patting Dawn's leg with a flipper in a show of support.]
Piplup pip lup lup!
[This elicits a small smile from Dawn.]
Yeah, I hope you're right. No need to worry, right?
[She just stands there next to the jungle gym with Piplup making small talk until people arrive.]