Fandom roundabout (Don't ask about Genette!)

Jan 12, 2008 18:49

Gradmyu opinions:

Certainly you can see is the end of the season, everyone is more comfortable with their roles and we have a different editing, but still we can be impressed with the choreography.

I was thinking hoy Masei and Kento have the same age, but Masei's acting look more mature, and Kentos's expression seemed more natural this time when we ( Read more... )

jdramas, tenimyu, myuboys, toku talk

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Comments 10

gekidasa January 13 2008, 01:19:28 UTC
By Gradmyu you mean that thing someone posted that was an extra in the first press DVD? I thought that was just like... speeches... so I didn't bother, because I didn't really care about the 3rd gen. Ooops. :/

I'm pretty sure Higa is just the one run (someone correct me if I'm wrong). As far as I know, Rikkai was split in two because they anticipated a level of popularity similar to Hyoutei.

Anyway, about Hyoumyu II... I'm really really happy that it's possible for Kenken to be back as Shishido, since he obviously loves Tenimyu a lot, but even assuming Kenken will be back, it won't be the same cast because I really can't see Kazuki taking time out of his rockstar schedule for a summer theater production... that's when A-nation is, for one thing, and he's playing in the big leagues now, so I don't think Tenimyu could afford him and I doubt his management would go for it.


mayezinha January 13 2008, 01:32:35 UTC
I asked before downloading it if it was worth, and when they told me it was a different editing, I went for it.

Yes, they have speeches too. I believe it's the same material from the supporters' DVD, but still the myu has different editing. Kento looks less cardboardy!! :D

Actually, I threw a line to you with the Hyotei matter, because you believe so much in a second cast, and it may be possible. Kazuki has changed his management, right, or was only cd label? If it was management, maybe they wouldn't want him on a myu again after getting him a drama, for example.


gekidasa January 13 2008, 01:53:37 UTC
...Damnit, now I'm going to have to look for the link ( ... )


mayezinha January 13 2008, 02:02:00 UTC
I totally get you, didn't misunderstood.

It's difficult to play favorites in tenimyu. The Hyotei supporters DVD is the only one I've seen twice in its entirety, even when I don't undertstand it, because the cast is so much love.

I wonder about Takumi's career choices, because he's in another league. And of course Avex is launching Kazuki, so it really seems a wise decision if he isn't back on tenimyu.

And the wank is gonna be entertaining. Hope there isn't much and fangirls give the cast a chance. Either case, I can bring popcorn and we can watch, right? :D


ellipsesbandit January 13 2008, 07:06:05 UTC
I feel soooooooo lame for getting teary over Den-o, but I am getting extremely teary.



mayezinha January 13 2008, 16:22:52 UTC
Let's be lame together!!

It's awful how the crying is going right now, even when I haven't seen the most important episodes near the end.

The characters are so endearing, Kiva is going to have hard job growing on people.


ellipsesbandit January 13 2008, 16:41:29 UTC
Kiva does have some big shoes to fill after this. But I'm optimistic. The KR franchise seems to be focusing much more on having good service character development, so maybe they can do it again.


inarikami January 13 2008, 12:04:33 UTC
Haha, told you it's good. :D I forgot to say how you can see an almost uncut Fuurinkazan~ xD So much dorkiness~ xDDD
Actually the choreography is even more awesome in full stage view (d'oh!), where you can see how the whole thing is constructed. <3

And I was just thinking about the National matches in myu-version, mainly because I WANT to see the finals I wouldn't even mind if they skipped straight to that, but yeah, Hyoutei. <33 I might be all "Rikkai, Rikkai~" but how can you not love Atobe-sama in all his incarnations?! :333 Kazuki's got just so much charisma and the Atobe vs. Ryoma is Atobe's big tragic scene - no idea who else could pull it off, really. :/

But even so, I'd rather have a new Hyoutei cast if this means they'll do the Rikkai finals. :3 Masa!Niou in singles AND Ouji as godmode!Yuki? I'D DIE TO SEE THAT~ *_*


mayezinha January 13 2008, 16:26:46 UTC
I'd never though somebody could ever find a use for THAT pic!!! Surprising. XDDD

I love dorks, so it was perfect in a facepalming sense. XD;;;
Somepeople wouldn't gave a shot to Higamyu and it's having an extensive tour, so maybe we'll have Nationls, YAY!!!
So we'll see if we have a new cast or not, ne? :D

Totally agree with you


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