Second (fan)Service thoughts...

Nov 26, 2007 19:51

Well, I have no life, or I put it aside to watch and post about Rikkaimyu Second Service. 
With a rough draft, since my memory stick saved the unedited version ::insert growl here::

Every new myu I feel like those Disney's Fantasia hippos, honest.
How everytime the choreographies are more complex, wow. You compare with the previous myus and there's a ( Read more... )

tenimyu, myuboys

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Comments 2

singie November 27 2007, 19:06:28 UTC
OOKAWA, POOR BABY. HE TRIED, OKAY. T_T .... But yes, I have to agree that dance was a massive failure. Ookawa should have lessons with Luke, hee. :D

LOL at the hips don't lie thing.

Now that you mentioned it, Rikkai's song could well be playing in a funeral. But that song is still my favorite anyway. WINTER UNIFORMS = WIN.

About Aiba's singing, you probably got used to him. Kind of too late for that, I'd say. I'll miss Seigaku Sandaime. :\

I have high expectations on Ouji. ^^

o_o ...... er. His singing is getting better. I guess. >_


mayezinha November 27 2007, 19:35:18 UTC
Glad you're into the myu now!! ::waves::

Yes, totally agree with Ookawa's failure. But still he does a good Kirihara.

Yea, you can get that one XDD


I suppose >.>

Let's have some faith in him!!! XDDDD
I wonder a lot about the BAS single...


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