Ready to go!! Winter 2016 dramas!!

Jan 14, 2016 21:04

Seems that Japanese entertainment is self imploding early on this year ( Read more... )

smap rabu, je i want my brain back, jdramas, listings, when fandoms collide, tenimyu, subject of kato kingdom

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Comments 2

reposoir January 17 2016, 16:02:26 UTC
You know, Maye, I really hope that JE goes down the tubes. It can't be normal to have one media mogul control so many stars with such a tight-fist. Especially with the anti-marriage stuff. Maybe because I'm a Western woman, I just don't get it. So I'm enjoying hearing about how SMAP is disbanding and/or leaving JE. Maybe it will start something bigger...

(Also because Johnny is a pedo, so I hope he goes down flaming)

Since I couldn't remember exactly Renn or Jutta's heights, naturally, I had to find out for you. ;) A quick search reveals that Yuuki Jutta was 176 cm and Kiriyama Renn just 1 cm shorter.


mayezinha January 20 2016, 01:36:43 UTC
You know, Junno's departure (because you know, right?) could have been a way to renew the image of the agency but instead we got the SMAPology which was one of the most embarrasing moments in business.
The thing is, SMAP is really bigger than their agency and this is gonna bring a huge backlash for JE.
The group by itself moves lots of money that of course nobdy wants to lose this asset but it's been to long to have them chained down.

Thanks for the height search! I'm so happy because Kiriyama and Shige even made some magazine promos together! <3 (You can find it at Inala's LJ)

And we can see that for Tenipuri it was all smart placement. XD


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