Spring dramas 2015!!

Apr 15, 2015 18:53

The time for polls has already passed, so more than a total release drama list I'm gonna make a list of what I'll be watching.
Summaries at the always trusty jdramas site.

1. DoS Deka. You really were doubting that I would watch it ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

reposoir April 17 2015, 14:22:38 UTC
Miura Haruma needs to do a new drama sometime soon! I miss him.

So Algernon ni Hanabata wo is basically a remake of the Flowers for Algernon short story that I had to read ages ago in junior high school? Hm. Not sure if I want to see Yamapi play Algernon or not....:/


mayezinha April 17 2015, 16:06:57 UTC
I don't know what is Miura doing lately, it was last year his almost dying drama.

Yes! it's that one! Probably Yamapi thought it would be a good idea to take over such challenging role but personally nope.

Also forgot Sato Takeru cut his hair short for a early 20th century chef drama and sounds great! (so great I forgot to write it down in the list ::facepalm::)


reposoir April 17 2015, 16:34:53 UTC
Early 20th century chef drama? Ooooh, I am intrigued!


mayezinha April 17 2015, 16:52:48 UTC
My bad, seems before and after WW2.
Scroll down looking for his drama!


moka_n_waffles April 19 2015, 20:27:51 UTC
I was going to say "I'm downloading exactly the same things!!" and then I scrolled down and saw your list didn't end on #5... XDDDD *fails* Haven't watched anything yet though, but I took a look at the Yamapi drama and really liked it!! I don't quite like him as an idol and he's a mediocre actor, but I always enjoy his dramas somehow. XD


mayezinha April 20 2015, 18:34:25 UTC
I don't quite like him as an idol and he's a mediocre actor, but I always enjoy his dramas somehow. XD

I admit Buzzer Beat is a guilty pleasure of mine.
Sadly he shouldn't rely in his deadfish eyes charisma so much.
But there's something about him in motion that makes his dramas bearable. But depends a lot in the script.(he sucked so muck in Kinkyoru renai).


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