Flash post: When fandoms collide

Feb 26, 2014 12:59

My drama review draft is till catching mold but I have to point two moments in this season:

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jdramas, when fandoms collide, tacchon is here to break your brain, procastinating is a sport, crushes made of fail, the insanity of k8 fandom, pureboys

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Comments 2

moka_n_waffles February 26 2014, 19:53:14 UTC
The other day I had dinner at a Japanese restaurant and they had NHK on. Gochisousan was airing! It reminded me of you. XD (yes, asadora airs at night here lol damn timezones)

Idk who that guy is, but Dr. DMAT is so good!! Sometimes it has me in tears. Poor Hibiki :(

PS: HELLO MAYE HOW ARE YOU <33333333 There's still life on LJ... I guess! XD


mayezinha February 27 2014, 01:58:08 UTC
You should watch it, Tati!! You would learn lots of japanese and kansai ben with it!! ::tries to lure you in:: :P
I would love to have the NHK channel and stop fightting with stupid torrents. XD
He's the member of a low budget idol group, don't mind him. XD;; but years ago he was kind enough to share a pic wearing a lame scarf I knotted for him ::hides in shame:: Poor guy gets really small roles sometimes on tv. You should remember him as one of the evil detective triad from JOKER! XDD
Even the Deiku guy gets more roles in TV! XD

DMAT it's actually beter than expected, too bad with the Olympics the ratings aren't that great but personally, I think there's a growth in Tacchon's acting. Not the side of a baobab but better than Shigotonin.

I'm a bit sick, Tati, but trying to keep going on. XD;;


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