Day of the Dead Shrine Exhibit 2013

Nov 11, 2013 20:29

I know that we're near holidays to post about Day of the Dead but been busy lately.

Outside work and around the city there were decorations and shrines for the Day of the Dead.
Some Catrinas at the Mall:

This one with a Frida Kahlo vibe

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picspam, me-xi-co!

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Comments 2

reposoir November 12 2013, 14:53:39 UTC
Your shrines are always so beautiful, colourful, and fascinating!

And a Cinderella with skull make up would have been amazing!


mayezinha November 12 2013, 18:20:40 UTC
You know, just for you I post them! XD
Hope someday you'll be able to see them!

I didn't take a pic of the girl because maybe her mom wouldn't like it. XD;;


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