Quick update

Mar 14, 2007 12:32

Wednesday. Weird weather, lots of things to do, work to do, clean the apartment, feed myself. And the thesis!! I just want to kill myself. I'm supposed to have it print on friday, so we can take it to the trip and Roomie's dad deliver it to our supervisor's office. I haven't done a thing since friday, and I'm terrified to keep working on it. I ( Read more... )

i love rucos, ebichan working, toku talk

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Comments 2

giving_ground March 14 2007, 19:22:57 UTC
Randomly, but related to The Who: my mother told me she had a drink with John Entwistle a few times. *laughs* Said he was a lovely bloke. (She was his local vet for a while. He had a few pet dogs, I think. *g* )

Ahahaha, oh Kazuki. How many levels of special is that shirt? Almost makes you want the old one back. ;)


mayezinha March 15 2007, 01:24:38 UTC
Really? That's so cool!! Yeah, there are many testimonies that he was indeed a nice guy. It has to been quite a shock for all the people who went to that Vegas concert and had the awful notice that he died. I hope that Daltrey don't do this to me, or if they reschedule, they make it again on weekend, because I can't tell the boss if I can skip a labor day for a concert, and Roomie can't do it too.

@Kazuki's shirt: I could stand the color of the short sleeved one, but the frills on the front? O.O that was too much. But that Sasword kid it's really at the top of bloody awful clothing (and attitude). I'm on episode 28 and I'm already panicking that it's going to end soon. ;_; And there's no sub for the movie, I want to watch it subbed.


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