A Random Moment from D&D

Mar 09, 2009 19:40

Jill, John, Gabe, Aaron, Josh, Chuck, and me (not shown). Lookit all my geeky friends!

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shiny webcam!, i have awesome friends, d&d

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maychorian March 14 2009, 18:48:35 UTC
Hee! That's awesome. I love making collaborative stories with my friends. A bunch of us are writers, to boot, and we always have fun writing and sharing our characters' backstories. It's good practice, as well as being good fun in its own right.

That's really cool about your cousin, too. Geeky DnD players/writers ftw! \o/


brigid_tanner March 10 2009, 03:37:06 UTC
The guy on the floor looks like the kid who threw me out of a D&D game. Can't be, cause that was about 25 years ago. I wasn't taking it seriously enough. LOL!!


maychorian March 14 2009, 18:55:00 UTC
Hahahaaaaa! Oh, we barely take anything seriously at all. Constantly cracking jokes and wisecracks, us. The guy on the floor is Aaron, my very good friend and a fellow writer. He's amazingly creative and a lot of fun to be around, and he's also given me some very well-timed good advice while I was going through hard times. And he went and married my best RL female friend, too, so you know, just awesome squared. ♥


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