Ten little fics that I once knew, fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones, too...

Nov 15, 2008 10:47

So, here are nine little ficlets requested by friends, and one just for me. They’re all short-mostly between one and five hundred words; the longest is 593 and the shortest is 119. None are rated above PG. Mostly they’re happy little fluff pieces, because I was in an awesome mood and wanted to share my joy. :) In the header for each is the fandom ( Read more... )

dexter, numb3rs, star wars, supernatural, obi-wan kenobi, sam winchester, teal'c, jack o'neill, fanfiction, sg-1, crossover, commentfic, qui-gon jinn, samantha carter, dr. who, dean winchester

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Comments 59

archaeologist_d November 15 2008, 16:38:06 UTC
These were great. I really liked the SW ones, of course. The one you did for me was awesome. But I also liked the one with Obi-Wan and Dean fighting.

Great job.


maychorian November 15 2008, 23:35:52 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed the stories. :D This was a lot of fun to write. The only problem is that now I want to expand some of them...


archaeologist_d November 16 2008, 01:11:17 UTC
You should expand on them. They were great!


samantilles November 15 2008, 17:06:11 UTC
you know, i think Dexter would really like a sarcophagus... maybe not for numerous deaths, but at least the opportunity to kill the same bad guy at least once more might be insatiable even for him...


maychorian November 15 2008, 23:36:53 UTC
Hee! Your icon rocks.

And yeah, I really enjoyed writing the ficlet in Dexter's voice. That was a very cool experiment for me, different than anything I've done before.


samantilles November 18 2008, 10:54:01 UTC
OMG--Somehow I just kinda phased over "Flying" the first time and it was amazing!! We all expect Jack to be the culprit, but for Teal'c to be is just precious!!!


maychorian November 18 2008, 19:57:00 UTC
Hehe! Awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D


layrenelement November 15 2008, 17:11:18 UTC
Ack that Qui/Obi one begs for more! Sounds like something Qui would enjoy. :p

And loved all the ficlets! Especially had to LOL@ Jack and Qui fishing, that was <3 Excellent!

I knew Jack would get frustrated. :p

And Teal'c's paper airplane, LOL. :D Nice job!


maychorian November 15 2008, 23:39:13 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed the ficlets, especially the one I wrote for you. :D A lot of these could be expanded into nice long fics, but keeping them short and punchy was an interesting exercise. And hey, you guys can always imagine what happens next, right? :D


quettalinde November 15 2008, 18:34:33 UTC
These were great! I had a lot of fun reading them all, even if I don't know all the fandoms involved very well. The Stargate ones I liked best, I think (of course, the one for me tops the list). The last Supernatural one as incredibly cute, as was the one with Sam and Teal'c making paper airplanes.

Thanks for posting them all in one spot! :D Oh yes, and I like your icon. I've given up trying to come up with all the applicable fandoms….


maychorian November 15 2008, 23:43:25 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed them despite not knowing all the fandoms. :D This was a really fun little exercise, and many of these ficlets give me unreasonable amounts of glee.

The icon is from nomadicwriter, and yeah, I gave up trying, too. :)


quettalinde November 16 2008, 01:52:54 UTC
What is fluff or crack for, if not glee? XD I get glee just from plot bunnies.


smilla02 November 15 2008, 20:59:59 UTC
Oh, these are so good. I'm not so much into canon for SG1 toreally appreciate it, but I had fun reading these.
And of course, my fav has to be the last one, just cause the idea of Sam petting Dean to calm him is so very hilarious.


maychorian November 15 2008, 23:45:11 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed them all, despite not knowing all the fandoms. I did my best to make them little stories that were self-contained and enjoyable on their own.

And yeah, that last one is my favorite, too. Hee! I just love the idea of Dean making a little humming noise when Sam pets his head...


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