Oct 09, 2010 13:40

Ugh, I've been so careful, but it's so easy to mess up this whole new dietary thing. This morning my family had pancakes, and my mom, who is very understanding of and interested in my issues, made them super healthy, with wheat germ and oat bran and buckwheat flour and stuff. So I made my own syrup out of mixed berries and xylitol, because I can't ( Read more... )

tv, life, supernatural

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Comments 19

auntmo9 October 9 2010, 17:55:49 UTC
You will get used to it eventaully, trust me. There are pleny of things I have to avoid in order for me to limit the number of migraines I get. For a long time, it was tiral and error. But after awhile, I fell into a good routine.Once you know, it will get easier. Hope you are feeling better.


maychorian October 9 2010, 18:06:46 UTC
Yeah, I'm sure I will. It's only been a few weeks. Eventually my tastes will change and the stuff I love so much now won't even look good to me anymore. My grandma has Celiac's and it's the same for her... Things she used to love, like dinner rolls, don't even seem appealing anymore. Already some really sugary things strike me as sickly and cloying now instead of delicious. I have a long way to go, but I'm on the road. :)


winchesterlove2 October 9 2010, 18:39:40 UTC
hahaha i love house. and i'm sorry you're having to deal with that but at least you know what's wrong and can proactively fix it :)


maychorian October 10 2010, 15:38:24 UTC
House really is a modern Sherlock Holmes AU. Some episodes are better written than others. ;)


mello_mcqueen October 9 2010, 18:49:34 UTC
Can you not eat sugar or somethin' May-chan?

I know, I cannot drink pop 'cause the carbonation makes my stomach hurt. I can take three sips of sprite and be in pain for hours. I haven't had pop in years and if I even think about drinking it my stomach will hurt so I'll remember why I can't have it.

It is like that with anything made of meat now too. After two years of being a vegetarian, 99% of the time I do not even realize that I am not eating meat, even though I used to love steak and hamburgers and stuff.

Anyway, point is that eventually you'll get used to not being able to eat certain foods and you won't even think about it anymore so it won't seem that bad even if it does right now 'cause yeah...juice is delicious.

I am sorry it is bad for you. :( *hugs*


maychorian October 10 2010, 15:39:51 UTC
Yeah, sugar and white flour and other simple carbs make me sick. It's been going on all summer. At least I've figured out what's doing it now!

Your tastes really do change, and pretty quickly at that. I'm sure a few months from now I won't even miss it most of the time. Still. No juice. :(


phorenice October 9 2010, 19:09:46 UTC
Aw, not being allowed to drink juice is just cruel. But I'm glad the diet seems to work and you're feeling better.

I've mostly stopped watching House, but if House/Wilson isn't slashable I don't know what is...


maychorian October 10 2010, 15:40:59 UTC
What really tipped me over the edge was when House started having a relationship with his ex-girlfiend again and Wilson was all fiercely protective of him and going in her office to chew her out for possibly breaking House's heart. LOLOL so adorable. :D


gleeker13 October 9 2010, 19:53:56 UTC
Oh bb, I sure hope you don't feel so bad anymore :(

But: Also Colin/Ryan--I gets it, I do.

I do not watch Whose Line as much as a wish, so I'm not positive who these two are, but I'm pretty sure I do, and if I'm right then(I just looked it up, yep, it's them) I totally ship them too. It weirded me out when I realized I shipped it, but there was one where Ryan licked Colin's ear. Now I'm going to look up some episodes, because that show really is hilarious. I'm also quite fond of Wayne Brady when he comes on.


maychorian October 10 2010, 15:41:44 UTC
OMG, gayest show ever. They kiss and kiss and kiss and stimulate felatio and just have the gayest time. It's adorable.


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