Coming Down on a Sunny Day Fanmix

May 07, 2010 19:11

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Coming Down on a Sunny Day
Characters: John Winchester and sons
Length: 14 songs, 51 minutes, 45 MB
Summary: Songs that Jimmy likes, mostly of the rainy/folky variety
Author's Note: I used my very, very basic graphic skills to make these covers using pieces of samibee's beautiful art, so all praise goes to her and all blame ( Read more... )

big bang 2010, fanmix

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Comments 3

moluren June 8 2010, 19:59:09 UTC
Great choices, perfect for the story!


winchesterlove2 July 21 2010, 20:56:53 UTC
these are some great choices! i'm always partial to Switchfoot myself considering they are my favorite band and inspired me to start writing more poems and songs...

that and i just love the sheer irony by Jon Foreman

song/album: Learning to Breathe
another song: Learning How to Die

other irony:
singing without tongues screaming without lungs (Lonely Nation)
in one song: Souls aren't built of stone (4:12)
in another song: Stones are built of souls
*that full line is awesome:

There's a temple outside with the strangest voice
Where the stones are built of souls
But the builder lifts up our broken hearts
I'm never gonna let you go

anyway...if you havnt heard these songs and want to u can look them up or ask i have them all :)

all this to say i love the verse and your choice of music!!! XD

keep up the great work and i look forward to your next post on FF!


supergreak August 29 2010, 20:12:34 UTC
love the soundtrack choices!


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