A Musical, Writerly Journey

Feb 16, 2010 09:00

It's Big Bang season! So many fandoms are having them, and so many of my flisties are going for it, which is very awesome. I decide to dust this off as a belated Valentine's Day gift for you guys ( Read more... )

original, big bang 2010, i have awesome friends, music, fanmix, writing

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Comments 4

archaeologist_d February 16 2010, 18:30:11 UTC
Write fanfic indeed!


anyasastre February 17 2010, 01:04:56 UTC
Aw, The Decemberists are one of my favorite bands ever and The Engine Driver is right up there as a personal favorite song. So, that said, just because you added them to the mix, it's my new favorite cd. I also like the artwork. :) Great mix, downloading now.


jujuberry136 February 17 2010, 01:49:00 UTC
The P.S wins at life.

Thanks for sharing!


ewanspotter February 17 2010, 06:13:51 UTC
Aw, that's an incredibly sweet thing to make for you. You seem like such a great friend.


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