LOL, you

Nov 02, 2009 22:20

Have I mentioned lately that I'm kind of a big dork? If not, here is evidence ( Read more... )

homg i'm sort of a weirdo, writing

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Comments 14

musesfool November 3 2009, 03:49:21 UTC
And every once in a while I'll think, "I wonder what happens next in..." and realize that it's one of the fics I'm currently WRITING.

I've done that occasionally. It really is a facepalm moment.


maychorian November 3 2009, 04:00:57 UTC
Hee! I'm glad I'm not the only one.


tahirire November 3 2009, 04:10:13 UTC
Sorry, all I got from this was that you play mousehunt. Isn't that a little ... morbid, coming from you?



maychorian November 3 2009, 04:12:26 UTC
:D 'Tis a strange addiction, I'll admit. But I do LOVE all the MouseHunt mice quite fiercely. So I guess I just enjoy catching them, I guess. And feeding them special varieties of cheese...


sockkiah November 3 2009, 04:55:36 UTC
Hahaha, you're awesome. This totally made me giggle.

I bet I'd do that too if I wrote like a normal person, but I always come up with my endings first for some reason (probably why I never write anything very epic).


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:09:21 UTC
Sometimes I have the ending in mind while I'm writing. (Not usually, though.) Even so, it's the getting there that's the problem. I usually pretty good at starting stuff, and pretty good at ending it, but middles are HARD.


sarcasticval November 3 2009, 06:26:55 UTC
I once opened a fic that a friend wrote, got distracted by my multiple tabs, came back to it hours later, finished it and thought to myself, "Oh, this fic was great. I have to rec it to So-and-So, she'll love it...oh wait."


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:10:03 UTC
LOL, that is awesome. This comment totally made me laugh out loud. :D


aryblack November 3 2009, 08:35:46 UTC


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:10:14 UTC


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