I cannot hear you over the sound of how awesome I am. (And how exhausted.)

Nov 02, 2009 14:43

Holy smokes! Team Gen won the Writer Olympics! I totally wasn't expecting that. Major kudos to ALL of my teammates. We are awesome ( Read more... )

life, work

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Comments 12

musesfool November 2 2009, 20:01:59 UTC
Good luck!


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:15:16 UTC
Thank you! I sent the email yesterday but they haven't even replied to let me know they got it...


anonymous November 2 2009, 20:21:45 UTC
You guys deserved to win, you rocked it. All teams were good, but seriously some of your stories were outstanding. The judges were mightily impressed. I don't think you guys got a single nomination throughout Last Man Standing


mrstotten November 2 2009, 20:28:46 UTC
shoot anon comment was from me btw


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:16:00 UTC
Aw, thank you! :D I'm so glad the judges liked us. My team totally rocks. I think we might have been the only team that didn't lose a member at some point, too....


mrstotten November 3 2009, 13:27:00 UTC
That's a really good point, I think you were the only team together from beginning to end, which I'm sure helped with the cohesiveness.

You did great



chiiyo86 November 2 2009, 21:37:47 UTC
Congratulations for the Writer Olympics! And I should have asked you that in the post made for questions, but what kind of job do you do (well, not anymore)?

I look forward to your review :)


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:17:12 UTC
I work for an agency that sends helpers to the houses of elderly and disabled people. I'll help the dress, take a bath, do housecleaning and errands, escort them to medical appointments, that sort of thing. It's pretty thankless work, though I know it's important. I've appreciate my time there, but it's time to move on.


chocochip_pie November 3 2009, 05:22:14 UTC
Good luck quitting!


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:17:41 UTC
Haha, thanks! I've sent an email but they haven't replied yet. I just want it to be acknowledged.


sparky_joe November 3 2009, 11:51:15 UTC

You've proved yourself a smart, kind, thoughtful, compassionate, beautiful woman and you deserve the best that life has to offer.

Good luck and God bless!


p.s. I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you had with your tire. I hope the new one worked out OK.


maychorian November 3 2009, 13:18:20 UTC
Thanks so much, hon. You're very sweet. ♥

I'm scared, but I'm also excited about starting a new chapter of my life, one that I'm writing myself...


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