Supernatural 5.6

Oct 18, 2009 01:00

Trying something a little different this time. Well, different for me. With apologies to kroki-refur for stealing her formula. Or something. Anyway ( Read more... )

picspam, meta, supernatural ep

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Comments 24

yes, yes, yes, klingoncat October 18 2009, 05:13:46 UTC
you loved all the bits I did, and pretty much for the same reasons, and when someone, (not me) writes those stories... I want to read them, and yeah, I loved so much about the ep... it does make a really good set up for what they could do with the character later in the season...with that much power that could swing either way, and from the way he totally dissed the demon, I gotta hope that if he does get involved that he would go "good" - fingers all crossed. It would be a shame to know that he's out there and never find out how he responds to the whole war.


Re: yes, yes, yes, maychorian October 21 2009, 22:08:51 UTC
I hope they don't just forget about lil Jesse, that's all. It's too interesting an idea to drop it now.

Thanks for reading!


starry_ice October 18 2009, 05:41:17 UTC
I do love that only in Supernatural would we go from "it's the Anti-Christ!!" to Castiel sitting on a whoopie cushion and then straight back into "why this child must die".

And for all its flaws and loose threads, what I loved most about this episode was the seamless back and forth between serious/scary and hilarious. I think it was one of the best executed ones in that regard.


maychorian October 21 2009, 22:12:06 UTC
Supernatural really excels at the mixture of cracktastic humor and utter angsty seriousness. ♥ I do love that.


mattheal October 18 2009, 05:54:55 UTC
I think that says it all.


maychorian October 21 2009, 22:12:23 UTC
:D It does, doesn't it?


chiiyo86 October 18 2009, 07:54:29 UTC
Oh, I love picspams! I'll be waiting patiently for the second part of it.

And I know what you mean about letting fandom's reaction bother you. It happens to me way too often and it's annoying. I don't want to think about fandom when I watch the the show, I want to think about Sam and Dean and Castiel!

I am pro-pretty-much-everybody.

I knew there was a reason I like you! *hugs*


maychorian October 21 2009, 22:13:07 UTC
Aw, thanks! ::hugs:: I like you too!

I'm trying really, really hard not to fandom affect my squee. My squee is precious and I like it.


chaletian October 18 2009, 09:33:10 UTC
Ooh, that was a really good picspam, thanks!


maychorian October 21 2009, 22:13:25 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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