Musical Interlude - BLUES WEEK

Apr 22, 2011 21:38

Hugh Laurie's album 'Let Them Talk' is now available in France, and after less than a week it's already #1 in the charts! Incredible isn't it? ... Or maybe not....

Anyway, it made me want to celebrate the Blues.

I just LOVE blues. Contrary to Hugh Laurie though, I did actually listen to British pop music  a lot too: The Beatles, The Stones, Sex ( Read more... )

musical interlude, bette midler, concert monologue, the rose, blues

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Comments 6

espejoses April 24 2011, 08:31:57 UTC
Lucky you who have already taken the albun 'Let Them Talk', I think this will take a little more since that time there will be live here in Spain and therefore its promotion will be different and although the blues like many people, not is the type of music that is promoted in Spain to reach No. 1 since it promotes more taste for younger people.
That this also say that as you say this kind of music is entirely visceral, that touches the heart regardless of whether you understand or not the language in which it is written.
Bette Midler had heard singing many times, but the song that has brought all his hearsay version no. For me one of my pleasures is to instead listen to different versions of the same song, especially those that unite all generations. So thank you for bring it to me.
I've always admired Bette Midler for being able to take your tone of voice, the same level of so-called black ladies of the song, with this as far from yours.


maya295 April 25 2011, 19:23:06 UTC
thank you for reading and commenting... and listening! glad to have shared a little moment of pleasure through music... :)


oc7ober April 25 2011, 18:27:56 UTC
Like I'm going to believe you once were innocent. And adorable. Mwahaha.

I quite like Bette's version of WAMLAW, which is quite surprising as I HATE the original.


maya295 April 25 2011, 19:31:29 UTC
I could do the "concert monologue" just for you once, IF you were a good girl, which you're quite almost never, so luckiliy for me, I'll never have to fo that!! :-P


oc7ober April 25 2011, 19:41:56 UTC
I am ALWAYS a good girl, FFS!
And we can rent it on dvd and watch it when you visit moi in London :D


oc7ober April 25 2011, 19:44:52 UTC
Look at your LJ layout and think who you owe it to, huh?!


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