'Bombshells' Aftermath - Thoughts on House latest plotline twists

Mar 13, 2011 20:39

Title: 'Bombshells' aftermath - Thoughts on House latest plotline twists"
Status: article
Summary: Supposedly not being jerked around feels even more like I'm being jerked around...
Disclaimer: House, MD is not mine! it belongs to David Shore... and he can have it all...

all insights welcome.

This is probably just going to be another droplet in the ( Read more... )

article, season 7, house, bombshells

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Comments 15

yahnis March 13 2011, 22:43:47 UTC
It's amazing,smart post!I am totally agree with you in all(beside I don't want him to die in the end:(
Thank you very much. It will be better for show if authors will listen to such smart people like you.
Sorry for my English.


gwillmore March 13 2011, 23:04:00 UTC
Very well said ( ... )


bombshells anonymous March 13 2011, 23:12:31 UTC
Sorry, I don't have a live journal account so I'm not being anon on purpose. Just wanted to say that you've put down in writing pretty much exactly how i feel. I was never a Huddy shipper as such, (or any other ship for that matter), but the way the arc has played out is desperately disappointing. I always knew they'd break up, I just wish they'd done it with a little more thought and a lot less rush. I've loved this almost 7 year journey, with all it's twists and turns, till now. Just hoping the writers will do what they've always done before and have it all make sense in the end, but right now I feel something that I've never felt before regarding House, and that is I feel cheated. Why have any "journey" at all, if it all ends back at square one?


tauwja March 14 2011, 00:23:23 UTC
This is so very well-written. Can you maybe tweet it to TPTB, or if you don't have a Twitter account, can I?


maya295 March 14 2011, 00:49:05 UTC
I have a Twitter account (the link is under my header...)

I don't know if it would change anything to tweet that to TPTB though...

But fell free to do it if you want. I've published it so I guess it means I'm fine with people reading it... although, I'm specifically asking you NOT to tweet it to Lisa Edelstein or any other CAST member of the show, for they are obviously NOT responsible of the direction the show is taking.

thank you.


tauwja March 14 2011, 01:10:59 UTC
I don't know if it would change anything to tweet that to TPTB though...

You never know ;-) They at least need to be aware of how they screwed up.

Sure thing, I will tweet it to one of the writers then. You're right, the cast members have nothing to do with this obviously.


maya295 March 14 2011, 01:33:33 UTC
can I ask you what your twitter username is, please? (you can tell me by PM if you prefer not to advertize it)


paski_br March 14 2011, 00:43:34 UTC
Almost right the minute the writers decided to give House and Cuddy a chance, they turned her into a whining, insensitive bitch, cracking the whip and forgetting every empathic promises and gestures she’d had for House in the past.

That's my problem with this show. Seriously, if only the writers or Shore himself admited they butchered Cuddy's character I'd know they could be on their road to redemption.

But not all hope is lost. Maybe Cuddy will realize how much she changed and that SHE was responsible for the end of their relationship, not House himself or his behaviour.

I hope she goes to him, admits she screwed up and tells him she really doesn't need him to change. Also, I don't want House to act like a scared puppy trying not to piss her off. They both need to get back to themselves to try again!


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