Title: Heavenly Fathers
Summary: 4.07 Episode Tag. Castiel makes another appearance and a sleep-deprived Dean finds out more about why and, more importantly, how he got where he is today. Buckets 'o angst within.
Rating: PG13, T (harsh language)
Wordcount: approx. 5,000
Pairing/Characters: Genfic, no pairings. Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam
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Comments 102
Seriously though, I was feeling awfully rusty after such a dry spell, so this feedback is perfect too ::relieved sigh::
Thanks so very much!
I don't think you could ever be rusty. :) Hope things are going well for you; I'm glad it sounded like you had a happy birthday, and I'll wait to see what happens with your newest houseguest. :)
Thanks again and I will definitely post a Dakota update once the little guy has a chance to settle down ::crosses fingers that that's even possible::
Loved all of this, and the idea of John lobbying so desperately on Dean's behalf, and Dean's tormented reaction to it, and Castiel's inscruitability, and just .... yeah. Ya done good. :-)
And the ending is utterly PERFECT! Awww, Sammy, ya big lug. *g* Thanks for sharing this!
And, yeah, regarding John... if he's aware of what's going on with his boys? No way is he sitting on a fluffy cloud playing a harp ;)
Awww, Sammy, ya big lug.
Heee, I couldn't resist. Puppy-dog Sam is so adorable, even if he has demon blood. Hell, I live with Jack Russells f'godsakes, I can handle it *g*
Wait - you don't write Dean pov? *flips back through other stories* Damn, how'd I never notice that before? *headdesk* Anyway - great job!
The sharp squeals were nothing more than the happy sounds of children playing, but that knowledge did little to extinguish Dean's desire to sprint for the Impala and the sanctuary it offered.
Oh, sadness. It's coming, I tell you. *hides*
His old Sam would've. This Sam? Doubtful.
Oh, ow. Sam is still in there, in new!Sam, he's just ... built a few great walls of China! *clings to Sam*
Christ, when the freakin' angel that God Himself sent to haul your ass out of Hell thinks you're up shit's creek, wasn't it pretty much a given that you were well and truly fucked?
Those were exactly my thoughts when I heard that. *gulps*
"My father chose you, Dean Winchester. He would not have chosen a loser." I LOVE this. This is basic Biblical truth. God always choses the weak and the weary, and all He ever asks is that they give it ( ... )
Seriously, this just made me grin and grin last night when I read it. But, since I wanted to get to bed some time before 2a.m., I held off replying until today. Alas, it was still after 2 when I crawled in. I think I may just crawl back in under those covers again too, as soon as Boomer and Kismet decide they want back inside.
*breaks out the 'you broke me' icon*
Yay! not that I like my tahirire broken! I'm just thrilled it moved you enough to do cause the breakage :)
Wait - you don't write Dean pov? *flips back through other stories* Damn, how'd I never notice that before? *headdesk* Anyway - great job!
Thanks! Considering how long it took me to take the plunge, the water felt incredibly comfortable once I dove in.
"My father chose you, Dean Winchester. He would not have chosen a loser ( ... )
Uh ... *blush* yeah, I saw that after I hit 'post comment'. *headdesk* Aw well. I didn't think you'd mind. ;-)
Oh, and how the hell do you code for those hearts? I've always meant to ask someone ;)
I learned about a month ago!!! It's -
& hearts ;
But all smished together. ::smish:: No spaces. ♥. See?
LOL, yeah, I have full faith that we will see more of him this season... after one of them gets broken badly enough for him to show himself ::sniff::
Well - where Dean is concerned, yes - but otherwise - RISE, NEW!SAM! MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE! TOTAL HOTTIE BADASS. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!
sooo want to see this in Show. Sam's "what did you think I meant" during the "brings back memories" scene was just so wrong. I refuse to believe he's that obtuse ;)I plan to meta post about the eps 2 at a time. I don't think he's obtuse at all; I think he just REALLY WANTED TO BELIEVE that Dean didn't remember Hell. Because he's already been the cause of enough suffering. It will tear him ( ... )
Not at all, m'dear, not at all ;)
It's -
& hearts ;
But all smished together. ::smish:: No spaces. ♥. See?
Thank-you sooo very much. I've always wanted to know ♥
Well - where Dean is concerned, yes - but otherwise - RISE, NEW!SAM! MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE!
Oh. I'm sure we'll see that Sam too. And Jared will be magnificent! And YUMMY!
I plan to meta post about the eps 2 at a time. I don't think he's obtuse at all; I think he just REALLY WANTED TO BELIEVE that Dean didn't remember Hell. Because he's already been the cause of enough suffering. It will tear him apart to WATCH Dean suffer MORE because of what he did for Sam. *pets them both* Basically - he's in denial. Oh, I totally agree with the denial thing. *Very* little brother-ish, isn't it? Do you think he was already fishing when he asked Dean "what did you think I meant" though or was he still in full on denial? Just curious your take on that line. I'm starting to ( ... )
Love the idea of John-the-advocate. And great Dean and Castiel.
Thanks so much!
I really appreciate you letting me know what you enjoyed :).
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