Title: 101. 5 times Hikaru managed to lock himself in the bathroom + 1 time when it wasn't really an accident
Pairing: Hikato, TakaChii? 'Member-ai'
Rating: PG
Warnings: OOC Hikaru & JUMP + Horrible Writing, oh and a bit of crap. Do walls EVER look like doors to you?! OH, mentions of Hikaru + Showers + Keito?! I lie.
Notes: My 5th attempt at writing a
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Comments 12
*ignores mention of Taiyo* XDDDDDDDDD Hikaru has a thing for bathrooms...XDDDD hate = love. XDDDDDDDD
"Hikaru. Your fly is unzipped, and you're wearing your top inside-out, and backwards. You took Yuto's shoes, and also you might have taken the wrong jacket. That's either Chinen's or Ryutaro's because it looks kind of tight on you. Hurry up, the show's starting soon."
How sad Hikaru...XDDDDDDDD HE GOT THE WHOLE ATTIRE WRONG!!!!!! But sometimes I really do have to wonder how they get in some of their outfits.
*clutching stomach* OW OW OW!!!! THE PAIN!!!!!!1 XDDDDDDDDDD 7 is just evil...well, I notice Keito's not there. Oh my...Chinen...so mean to Takaki...OMG!!!!! RYUTARO IS HOLDING ONTO CHINEN'S WAIST!!!!!! CHIITARO CHIITARO!!!!!!! <3<3 RABU RABU ( ... )
:D I think bathrooms have a thing for Hikaru.
sdgsdjdsj so do I. D: I'm glad they're not wearing junior handy-downs. But Hikaru messing up the whole attire. sjdjjsh that's just sad, Hikaru.
Yesh, 7 is sooo evil! Lol XD Chiitaro! dhhsh Yeah, Keito wasn't there because I don't think he'd actually do that. And to be honest, it was supposed to be Keito, not Takaki, but I wanted to be an S so I used Takaki instead.
D: Don't worry, I'm getting obsessed with HSJ-thon. shdhdjs Reading the part that Hikaru cried actually made me sad. DX and feel bad.
hdsjjshf Hikaru thinks cats are a curse. But I think they're adorable.
Hikanoo version of what?
Bathrooms love Hikaru. That's why they always lock him in.
I can totally imagine Hikaru messing up the entire outfit. XDD
I can't see Keito pulling a prank. YES CHIITARO!!!! IT'S TOTALLY CHIITARO THERE!!!! He seems too quiet for it. XDDD *high fives* GO S!! XDDDDDD
I'm glad. HSJ-thon kinda died for a few months...YOU'RE BRINGING IT BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!! *hugs you*
XDDD He never did say the reason why he hates them did he? *imagines if JUMP really did do a photoshoot involving cats*
Hikanoo version of Hikaru locking himself in the bathrooms. XDD Cuz there's already two other that's Hikabu, and you wrote this Hikato.
XD LOL I KNOW. I love him too.
:3 I can imagine Hikaru changing, and then Keito accidentally coming in when Hikaru was half-way trying to take his pants off, which was at his knees and also his open shirt hanging at his elbows. Then Keito leaves after noticing that, without a word.
XD Hahaha Thats why! dshdkjdsh Chiitaro~
Yeah I noticed when I was the only one commenting! O_O oh and also, the last comment was a long time ago. :D HAHAHA *hugs back*
Hahah true. Though I wished I knew why. XD
dssdvsvskdfh I wanna try a Hikanoo DX
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