Here is the original cave drawing the Jake Motoroni and I stumbled upon. Keep in mind this is not a photograph but a mold, therefore there is no color, just the lines shown in plaster and darkened with ink.
So I hung out with Jessie and Naomi last night, that was fun. Got cracked up on Jesus, watched Kung Pow, made her dog piss in her room; good times
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Im sick and it sucks... I have a wicked sore throat and my stomach is all churny somtimes. So I didn't go to school, so we get to take the test together tommarow Heather
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Well, a cop pulled my mom over because her back headlight is out and he just came up here to give her something I assume. Since I'm sick I wasn't wearing much, I threw on some pajamas and answered the door. I told him that she was at work at the Middle School, and he asks me
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fly honney's are lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator Well I guess it does work, but it would have benn better if it said "Fly Honneys is Love". The is, is more me.