Time for a comm. makeover!

Aug 02, 2010 20:38

As our third year of maxis love starts, it's time for a group project to give our community a very tasty, and much needed, makeover!! :)

The idea is to create a new banner, mood theme and icons, using only pictures of maxis makeovers shared by members for this project.

All members are welcomed to participate, but the main requirement will be to keep the makeovers as maxis-match as possible, so the premade sims in the pictures are easily recognizable.

For the same reason, I would also rather if eyes/hair/skins tones aren't changed much (you can use cc, but for example if the sim has green eyes, try to keep his/her eyes somewhat greenish for the makeover) and hopefully sims are shown in their original age range (but is not mandatory, as most of the popular sims can still be recognized at different ages). Plastic surgery of any kind won't be allowed, though, so if you have already used surgery on any of your pre-mades, please don't include them in the pictures shared for the project. (and remember we have clean clones of most TS2 premades in the download page.)

I understand that all these limitations don't give much space for radical makeovers, but that is the point in this case. I think is time to change the styling and pictures, but still want the comm. to stay true to it's theme, so the premade sims used in the graphics should still look like themselves, only with a different style.

The shots can include one or more sims from sims 2 and/or sims 3, as long as all sims featured are premades only, and they can be set up in any kind of background, whatever it's a regular scene in game, or staged on a plain/minimalistic set;. Also keep in mind that many of the images will be used in the comm's mood theme so try to capture all kind of emotions on them, and include both full body, and close up shots. (still not sure what kind of style we'll be using so I'd like to have all kind of options)

The picture shared must be at least 600x450 (even better if bigger) and though I usually don't care for quality too much, for this project we need the images to be usable. Considering that graphics like moods and icons need very small images, the pictures shared don't have to be perfectly crispy clean, but at least they should have sim details, high textures, and shouldn't be blurry or stretched out.

As a fair warning, I can't promise that we'll be using all of the images shared (that will depend on the member's response and how many images we have at the end), but I'll keep track of every member who participates for due thanks and credits.

For now I'm leaving this post opened for comments, opinions, ideas, and/or questions, but please don't start sharing your images here yet. There'll be a another post with more details later this week for that. (It'll probably be a members-only post, though, so if you're only watching/following the comm, but would like to participate don't forget to join for farther details.)

And as we do this group project, Dare 18 will be extended for another month, in case that any one else would like to give a new twist to an old challenge.

In the mean time, check out katee412 's take on Dare#5, and be inspired. ;)

dare#018, !modpost, community project

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