Dare 006: The Beaker's Home, not creepy enough!?

Oct 20, 2008 12:25

Topic: is the Beaker's home creepy enough??
Not for us!! ....
Among all the strange neighbors on this town, The Beakers must be at least on a top#3, but their house, even though could still earn a place on 'simworld's scariest places' list, may use some improvement to really fit its owners :P

So that will be our project, to make that creepy house at Tesla Court even Freakier!
... But ... as always, you must keep in mind the original style of the house and its owners. Loki is kind of an obsessed, mad scientist, while Circe, his ambitious wife, works on the medical track and Nervous, is nothing but their test subject in evil experiment ... so whatever if you see/play their household on that take on not, that would be, in general terms, the idea for the challenge now.

The file will be given on a zip file with a cleaned sim2pack for download. (recommended 'Sims2Pack Clean Installer' to install the lot)

Dare006 Rules:
- For decor and furniture: All Custom Content allowed !
- For building:
* Inside: anything can be changed, including walls, stairs, doors, etc ... everything expect for the hole that is Nervous 'room' on the first floor! you can change what's is in, the stairs, the fence/railing, etc, but the 'hole' itself must stay and must keep the same size (no make it bigger or smaller).
*Outside: The general shape of the house must remain so outside walls can not be changed either, but you can totally change/replace/move/delete all windows and doors.

Entry: - shots of the full house and every room (if you include after/before images even better, but not needed) and list of CC used. (like usual remember the creators and if you wish to link, though not required, do so towards the original websites sites only)

Due Date: October, 31 -2008 (Friday)

The Beaker's House at 1 Tesla Court, Strangetown. - Download file-

Front View:

Back View:

First Floor:

Second Floor:


dare#006, hood: strangetown, dare info, downloads, lots, dares

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