Dare 001: Purely Tasty: Living Maxis

Aug 05, 2008 19:58

Before more time runs by, here we have the first Maxis Taste weekly challenge (but just to go against the stream I’m calling it a ‘dare’)

Weekly Dare: Purely Tasty: Living Maxis

Topic: Living Maxis:

Every day scene of a sim family, but at least one pre-made sim must belong to the family and be present on the shot

Purely Tasty Rule:

-  No CC / No recolors (only replacements/custom skins/eyes allowed) - Official The Sims2 EA Store allowed
- No posing mods

Entry: - 1 in game camera snapshot (not screen capture / no outside retouching / camera mods allowed)

Due Date: Monday, August 11 -2008*

sounds Harsh!?? ….. I dare you to try ;)

A Purely Tasty dare is a screenshot challenge in which no CC is allowed what so ever, meaning not even recolors. (The only exception are default replacement/custom Skins and eyes) and the topic for this one is simply ‘Living Maxis’, that can be any every day scene of a maxis family, but please note that I do not mean necessarily the same family as it comes starting the game, don’t panic!

The screenshot can be of any household you have on a maxis hood as long as it includes at least one of the pre-made sims as part of the family, who must be present on the shot of course.

It would be awesome to have the most maxis sims and families on this, but i'll like to leave a bit more open, so if you have a pre-made sim who married a cas/simself/townie and want to show his/her family, go ahead, or if you have two pre-made kids or teens who are now adults and married together with bunches of in game born children, it more than ok as well.

The important part is using only maxis objects for the set and sims styles, any EP/SP but not CC or recolors. (again exception will be custom skin and eyes that I know are kind of complicated to take out, but for all the rest like hair, make up, accessories its just a trip to the mirror) and no posing boxes for more natural pictures.

To make it easy I recommend to turn off CC on the CATALOG in the settings, (not the game of course lol) while decorating, that way the buy/build mode/catalog will only show maxis objects, without altering any other CC already used on the game/lot, so its pretty safe and can be easily turn on/off in game without the need to restart or anything.

* The Due date will be next Monday, August 11 -2008, but if it’s too soon, let me know, I’ll change the date .

I’ll create a Show Off entry to put all links together on the due date, but for the moment I’m not giving any extra rules for posting, as the community is still slow anyone can post their entries on their own journal or directly here.

(btw … juts so you know, not all challenges will be no-cc, some will be all cc allowed juts with a maxis twist, and apologies i'm posting this so late, it was supossed to be done earlier on the day *blushes* )

... so now ... who's gonna dare??  ;)

dare info, dare#001, dares

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