Dare 004: Primp My Home

Sep 20, 2008 08:32

Topic: "Better dreams for Dreamers"
The Dreamers, Darren and Dirk, are father and son living alone on a small house. Darren is a painter who dreams of providing for his family with art, even though the bills keep piling up in every corner, still he does his best .... can we give them a at least a better place to live in?? A more appropriate environment to work for Darren and a improved space for Dirk to study?.

For this dare you'll receive a clean (no cc - no sims either of course) sim2pack with the Dreamers house to use if needed. It comes with all its original furniture included for inspiration. The idea will be keeping their own style, needs and a maxis feel all around. Fixing the yard is optional, but if you do so, same rules go. Keep it with a maxis feel ... and the trees  :P

Primp my Home Rules:
- For decor and furniture: All Maxis Stuff, EA store and all maxis match and completer sets are allowed
- For building: The idea will be to keep the original layout, so removing/adding walls is not allowed, while doors, windows, stairs and fences can be replaced by better ones if you wish, but try no to move them out of place. The exterior siding, wallpaper/paint and flooring inside can be change as will, as well as improve the yard if you wish as long as only maxis-like content is used.

Entry: - shots of every room (if you include after/before images even better, but not needed) and list of any maxis-match/completer sets used on the challenge. (like usual remember the creators and if you wish to link, though not required, do so towards the original websites sites only)

Due Date: Friday Monday 29 -2008

..... Who's feeling daring now?? :)

The Dreamers Home - Download here

Located at 195 Main Street on Pleasantview

The Dreamer house has on its first floor

a cozy but small living room by the entrance

plus a reduced space for kitchen, dinning and study

and the teenager's room along with a tiny bathroom

The second floor it all Darren's

with his bachelor's bedroom

and a spacious art study with private bathroom.

There is small terrace going out the kitchen

and a big, but pretty much empty, yard on the back

tiny note for ones with good eye: I forgot to remove the stay-in shrub while taking the pictures, but it is not included on the file. Also i double checked the file before uploading, but any problem with it let me know.

Remember the idea is to fix this house for the Dreamers, keeping the original idea and styling of the house, as well as the family member personal needs in mind. :)

dare info, hood: pleasantview, dare#004, downloads, lots, dares

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