Do Not Touch

Mar 29, 2011 13:45

The Do Not Touch dare provided inspiration for something I'd been putting off in my Uberhood for a while: making over Natasha Una's house.

I thought she needed a more eclectic, bohemian sort of home, and being forced to keep just a few Maxis pieces really helped achieve that, I think. That exterior needed an overhaul, though.

Here you'll see the only structural change I made in the whole house: the use of a diagonal wall and the addition of a divider. I see Natasha (being that she's a serious artist) liking to have color-themed rooms. The entryway is largely olive green. Untouchable item was the piano, which I didn't even clutter on.

Natasha's kitchen is one of the few pre-made kitchens that I actually really like, so I didn't mess with it much, just a bit of sprucing up (and a ceiling, of course). The untouchable item is the fridge.

Natasha's new bohemian blue living room. I like the idea of Natasha buying her furniture mostly at thrift stores and antique shops to save a bit of cash, and then blowing all the money she saves on art and cheese. The Victorian couch was untouchable here.

Taking pictures of bathrooms is HARD. Inspired by the very yellow bathroom in a house where I used to live. Natasha's is much bigger and classier, however. One of those counters was untouchable, but of course I forget which one.

The side of the studio where all the good mess happens. Complete with maneuverable spotlights so our artist can get the shadows just so on her next still life, and supplies spilled all over the floor, so she can find them easily, of course! (I kind of feel a "sloppy artist" kinship with Natasha, so this studio looks very similar to what I imagine mine might look like, if I had studio space of my own.)

And the less-messy side of the studio, where Natasha keeps things she doesn't want getting too dirty. Like canvases. Those failed pottery pieces look like they'd make great still-lifes, as would the obligatory bowl of fruit. The untouchable object in the studio was the easel, which I wouldn't dream of getting rid of anyway.

Natasha keeps her bedroom somewhat sparse, possibly because I don't imagine her as someone who spends a lot of time in there for anything besides sleeping. She does have it decked out in her favorite color, though, and full of pretty things. She plans on sewing curtains for those big windows as soon as she can figure out how to adjust the thread tension correctly on her ancient sewing machine. The untouchable item was the wardrobe, and I think this may be the only time I've ever made that particular one work for me.

Again, I didn't change much outside, just prettified it a little more around the pond region, and changed those chairs for something that looks more outdoor-appropriate. Didn't touch the dragon table, except to let Natasha put a plate of grilled cheese on it.

I really enjoyed this dare! It was a challenge, but just enough of one that it made normally tedious redecorating enjoyable to me. I kind of want a Do Not Touch guide for all the other boring Maxis houses I don't already have replaced!

dare#019, hood: desiderata valley, lots, dares

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