Стипендіати Фулбрайта.ч.2 Список-List of Fulbrighters (1992-1999)

Jun 17, 2018 18:25

Карась Karas Anatlij Fedorovich, Ivan Franko University of Lviv, Head of philosophy department. Project title in USA at Laras Colledge, Iowa, 1997-98. Can be contacted: e-mail: karas@franko.lviv.ua, tel: 0322-522995
Касьянов Kasianov Heorhiy Volodymyrovych, Leading Research Specialist, Institute of Ukrainian History, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev).  Research Field: History of Ukraine.  Project title in USA: Ukrainian Nationalism in the Twentieth Century History. Ideology and politics, 1994-95.  Placement: Ukrainian Research Institute, Harward University, MA . Can be contacted: tel: 044-228-06-29 (w), 552-24-19 (h). 
Колодій Kolodiy Antonina Fedorivna, Associate Professor,  Department of Politology, Lviv Polytechnic Institute.  Research Field: Political Science.  Project title in USA: Pressure Groups in Democratic Political Process (formation, activities, and influence), 1993-94. Placement: Center for Foreign Policy Development, Brown University, Providence, RI. Can be contacted: e-mail: akolodii@polynet.lviv.ua tel: 0322-39-81-89 (w), 93-23-76 (h).
Коновець? Konovets Olexandr Fedorovych - Head of Department History and Theory.National Culture Institute for Ukrainian Studies. Project title: Contribution of the Ukrainian emigrants - Famous Naturalists - to the Intellectual Potential of the United States. Placement: Harriman Institute of International Affairs, Columbia University, NY. Home address: 252151 Kyiv, Povitroflotsky prosp., 51, apt. 65, tel: (044) 221-02-84
Комаренко Komarenko Alexander Yuriyovych, Associate Professor, Department of History of the Peoples of Russia, Kiev State University.  Research Field: History.  Project title in USA: Ukrainian Society in the Years of World War I, 1993-94.  Placement: Center for Russian and East European Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Can be contacted: tel: 044-221-02-17 (w), 228-69-86 (h). 
Кошманова Koshmanova Tetyana Sergiyovna, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy,  Lviv State University (Lviv, 41 Doroshenko Str., Lviv 290000).  Research Field: Pedagogy.  Project title in USA: Training Teachers for High Schools in the U.S.A. Years 1960-1997, 1996-1997.  Placement: Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Can be contacted: Lviv, 41 Doroshenko Str., Lviv 290000, e-mail: koshtan@ext.franko.lviv.ua, tel:0322-79-47-65 (w), 35-38-39 (h). 
Коваль Koval Ihor Mykolayovych, Associate Professor, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Odessa State University.  Research Field: History.  Project title in USA: Eastern Europe in Global Geostrategical Context: History, Problems and Prospects, 1992-93.  Placement: Department of Political Science, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD.  Can be contacted: tel: 0482-63-03-62 (w), 26-41-10 (h). 
Козаков Kozyakov Sergiy Yurievich. Docent, International Relations and International Law, Kiev National Shevchenko University. Project title: Legal Regulation of Activity of Non-Profit Organizations. Placement: Law School, Loyola University, Chicago, IL Home address: 252071 Kyiv, Mezhigirska Str., 37, apt. 13. E-mail: oleg@kandp.carrier.kiev.ua
Крикунова Krykunova Natalia Stanislavivna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Kiev Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.  Research Field: American Literature.  Project title in USA: Plays of Tennessee Williams and Modern American Drama, 1993-94. Placement: Department of English, Washington University, St. Luis, MO.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-269-83-25 (w), 290-09-34 (h). 
Кульчицька Kulchytska Olga, Associate Professor, Department of English Philology, Precarpathian University (Ivano-Frankivsk).  Research Field: Linguistics/Pedagogy.  Project title in USA: Research: English Language Teaching in the Reform Period in Ukraine, 1995-96.  Placement: Division of English as an International Language, School of International Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 
Can be contacted: e-mail: koultchy@ stefanyk.ivano-frankivsk.ua, tel: 03422-22-514 (w), 33-610 (h).
Купряшкіна Kupryashkina Svitlana Volodymyrivna, Director, Ukrainian Center for Women's Studies (Kiev-71, P.O.Box 15, Ukraine 254071).  Research Field: Women's Studies, Linguistics.  Project title in USA:  Women's political Activism in the US and its Outcomes in Study and Research, 1994-95.  Placement: Institute for Research on  Women Issues, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Can be contacted: Kiev-71, P.O.Box 15, Ukraine 254071, e-mail: kupr@iatp.kiev.ua 
Кирилов Kyrylov Vadym Petrovych, Independent Consultant in Information Systems Strategy and Development, Department of Agricultural Informatization, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Kharkiv.  Research Field: Management and Information Science.  Project title in USA: Study of Marketing, Development, Use and Impacts of Information Systems on the U.S. Agrarian Sector, 1995.  Placement: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL.  Can be contacted: e-mail: kvp@svet.kharkov.ua , tel: 0572-69-09-93 (w). 
Кирсенко Kyrsenko Mykhailo Volodymyrovych, Professor, History Department, National University of "Kiev-Mohyla Academy".  Research Field: International Relations & Security Studies.  Project title in USA: New States in East-Central Europe, and Prospects for Ukraine: Comparative History, 1997-98.  Placement: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.  Can be contacted: e-mail: mail@kirs.kiev.ua tel: 044-244-31-94 (h), 416-60-06 (w), 211-44-25 (w). 

Локшина Lokshyna Tamara, Assistant Professor at Department of English Philology, Kharkiv State University.  Research Field: Languages.  Project title in USA: Intercultural Communication: Development of Cultural Empathy via Original and Translated Texts, 1995-96.  Placement: F.K. Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI. Can be contacted: tel: 0572-45-75-04 (w), 0572-38-43-20 (h). 
Лучук Luchuk Olha, Assistant Professor of English, Foreign Languages Department, Ukrainian State University of Forestry and Wood Technology, Lviv.  Research Field: American/Ukrainian Studies.  Project title in USA: Reception of the Ukrainian Literature in the American Culture, 1998-99.  Placement: Pennsylvania State University-University Park, University Park, PA 16802-1503.  Can be contacted: tel: 0322-42-17-13 (h), 0322-39-06-42, 39-06-52 (w), e-mail: luchuk@lta.link.lviv.ua 
Лисенко Lysenko Yuriy Vasylyovich, Student (Doctorant), College of Journalism, Kiev National University, Kiev.  Research Field: Ukrainian Studies, Teaching Ukarainian Language to American Students.  Project title in USA: Teaching Ukrainian Language to American Students, 1998-99.  Placement: University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-211-4510 (w), 044-216-5733 (h). 
Лишега Lyshega Oleg, Writer, Member of the Writers Union of Ukraine.  Research Field: American Studies.  Project title in USA: America (American poetry), 1997-98.  Placement: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Can be contacted: Kiev, tel: 044-229-39-79 (contact phone). 
Марков Markov Sergiy Leontiyovych, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology at Chernivtsi State University (2 Kotsiubinsky Str. Chernivtsi 273012).  Research Field: Pedagogical Psychology.  Project title in USA: Creativity and Creative Problem Solving (Activization of  Children's Creativity), 1996-1997.  Placement:  Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton, CA.  Can be contacted: 2 Kotsiubinsky Str., Chernivtsi 273012, e-mail: smarkov@chsu.cv.ua, tel: 03722-26-847 (w), 76-744 (h). 
Моренець Morenets Volodymyr, Professor, Head of Philological Department, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.  Research Field: Ukrainian/American Studies.  Project title in USA: The New York Group in the Context of Ukrainian and World Literature of the XXth Century, 1998-99.  Placement: Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.  Can be contacted: fax: 044-463-67-83, tel: 044-416-02-64, 416-45-15 (w), 225-76-65 (h).
Михайловський Mykhailovskiy Serhiy Victorovych, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Bioselective Adsorbents of the Institutes of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology (Kiev).  Research Field: Physical Chemistry.  Project title in USA: Adsorptive and Catalytic Processes for Environmental Pollution Control and Protection of Living Organisms from Xenobiotics, 1994-95.  Placement: Department of Chemistry, Kent State University, Kent, OH. Can be contacted: tel: 044-293-05-80 (w). 
Найдич? Naidych Dmytro Eduardovych, Scientific Researcher, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev).  Research Field: Computer science.  Project title in USA: Automated Induction for Algebraic Specification with Partial Functions and its Application to Computer Designs, 1993-94.  Placement: Department of Computer Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. Can be contacted: tel: 044-265-58-71 (w), 472-58-16 (h). 
Некряч Nekryach Tetyana Evgenivna, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation (English), Faculty of Foreign Philology, Taras Shevchenko University, Kiev.  Research Field: Literary Studies, Stylistics. Project title in USA: Interralation of Linguistic Form & Literary Meaning in the American Novel, 1994-95.  Placement: Department of English, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 
Can be contacted: tel: 044-221-02-74 (w), 430-29-73 (h). 
Нікуліна? Nikoulyna Olena Leonidovna, Head, Department of English Language, Odessa State Maritime Acadamy. Research Field: Pedagogy & Educational Administration.  Project title in USA: Teaching English at the Ukrainian Maritime Academy, 1997-98.  Placement: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus, Champaign, IL. Can be contacted: tel: 0482-26-73-66 (h), 39-93-39 (w).

Островський Ostrovsky Igor Vasyliovych, Professor, Department Head, Vice Rector, Department of General Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kiev.  Research Field: Physics; Acoustooptic and Acoustoelectric Properties of Solids; Physics of Semiconductors.   Project title in USA: New Textbook and Curriculum for Higher Education, 1995-96.  Placement: Department of Electrical Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.  Can be contacted: Kiev 252022, Physics Faculty, Fax: 044-266-22-88, e-mail: Iostrov@Genphys.Ups.Kiev.Ua, tel: 044-443-67-19 (h), 266-22-41(w). 
Паращук Paraschuk Valentyna,  Research Field: American & Ukrainian Studies. Project title in USA: Crossing the Cultural Rubicon (American-Ukrainian Cultural Studies: a Comparative Approach through Interactive learning, 1997-98.  Placement: Department of American Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Campus, Chapel Hill, NC . Can be contacted: Kirovograd, tel: 0522-22-97-45 (h), 225-440 (w), 293-182 (w). 
Пархоменко Parkhomenko Alla Fedirivna, Associate Professor, Department of English, Kiev Shevchenko University.  Research Field: English Stylistics.  Project title in USA: Point of View in American Short Story, 1995-96.  Placement: University of California, Riverside Campus, Riverside, CA.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-221-02-61(w), 229-75-92 (h). 
Пироженко Pirozhenko Kateryna Grygorivna, Learned Secretary, Social Geographical Department, Institute of Geography,  National Academy of Sciences, Kiev.  Research Field: Geography. Project title in USA: Socio-geographical Substantiation of Prospects of Ukrainian Forestry Development under Market Conditions, 1995-96.  Placement: University of Washington, Oregon and University of Colorado.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-224-14-81 (w), 452-50-53 (h). 
Півнева Pivneva Lyubov Mykolayivna, Professor, Doctor of Political Science, Department of Politology and Sociology, Skovoroda Teachers' Training University, Kharkiv.  Research Field: American System of Higher Education; Teaching of Social Sciences in the USA; Political Culture of American Students; Social and Political Problems of Ukraine.  Project title in USA: Political & Social Institutions and Processes in Ukraine, 1996.  Placement: University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Government and Politics.  Can be contacted: e-mail: lpivnev@pl.ac.kharkov.ua, tel: 0572-68-14-53 (w), 21-76-96 (h). 
Поляков Polyakov Valeriy Rostyslavovych, Research Scholar, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Kiev Shevchenko University.  Research Field: Inorganic Chemistry.  Project title in USA: Direct Synthesis of Lead Compounds as the Method for Lead-Containing Waste Utilization, 1993-94.  Placement: Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-221-02-06 (w), 517-00-71 (h). 
Посудін Posudin Yuriy Ivanovych, Chair of Physics, Faculty of Electrification and Automatization of Agriculture, National Agricultural University (Kiev, Goloseevo, 252041 Ukraine). Research Field: Physics. Application of Laser and Optical Spectroscopy to Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Products and Foods.  Project title in USA: Environmental Pollution Control- a Spectroscopic Approach, 1996.  Placement: Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.  Can be contacted: fax: 044-263-71-55, e-mail: posudin@bio.usau.kiev.ua, tel: 044-267-83-55 (w), 266-58-44 (h). 
Праховнік Prakhovnik Arthur Veniaminovych, Director, Institute of Automatics and Energetics "Energy" at Kiev Polytechnic Institute.  Research Field: Automatics and Energetics.  Project title in USA: Methods and Means of Electric Power Consumption Control. Tariff Systems, 1992-93.  Placement: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-241-70-37 (w), 274-39-06 (h).

Райнов Rainov Petro Yakovych, Associate Professor, Department of Contemporary History, Odessa State University (12 Shchepkin Str., Odessa, 270100).  Research Field: International Relations.  Project title in USA: Ukrainian-Russsian Relations and the United States in 1918-1921 and 1990-1995: a Comparative Perspective, 1996-1997.  Placement: Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.  Can be contacted: 12 Shchepkin Str., Odessa 70100, tel: 0482-23-63-07 (w), 65-73-32 (h). 
Речицький Rechytskyi Vsevolod Volodymyrovych, Associate Professor, Constitutional Law Department, Ukrainian Nation Law Academy of Ukraine, Kharkiv.  Research Field: Constitutional Law.  Project title in USA: Constitutional Law, 1994-95.  Placement: George Washimgton University, Washington DC . Can be contacted: fax: 0572-47-58-25; tel: 0572-47-36-89 (w), in Kiev: 044-279-96-19. 
Рябчук Riabchuk Mykola, Deputy Editor-in Chief at Vsesvit (monthly journal of foreign literature), Kiev.  Research Field: Political Science.  Project title in USA: Civil Society and State/Nation Building in the Ppost Colonial Country, 1994-95.  Placement: Center of Russian and East European Studies, Pennsylvania State University, PA.  Can be contacted: tel: 044-293-13-18 (w), 229-42-03 (h). 

Люстрація, Грантоїди, #800000, Список, Фулбрайт

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