1. An
article directly relating to my thesis. The author makes a point that supports the way I've been going about my design. Interestingly enough, there's another thesis project this year studying context, but taking the historical angle.
2. The Canadians have started a
sustainability school.
3. It is hard for me to take
this guy seriously.
Comments 4
You are lucky to have a good arch critic on your coast. The NY Times had Herbert Muschamp forever, and his writing was very biased. He also didn't seem to know what the hell he was talking about. It really annoyed me.
The guy sounds like another laissez faire capitalist sounding all the old, hoary saws about the market being the ultimate arbitrator of the greater good. I no more trust that attitude than I would a wholly governmental system.
And if you saw these houses, you would cry. I worked for two residential firms in Jersey, and the last summer I worked there (2004), I felt as if I'd sold my soul to the ( ... )
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