Which it is a cicerone to the world of the Aubreyad (Napoleonic wars)

Jun 17, 2005 20:20

Work in progress: all relevant links are welcome so if you have any, post them under "Comments" and if they´re new, you´ll be duly credited.

A very big thank you to esteven and cruisedirector for contributing links :)

The ultimate historical research link directory:

- Deb´s Historical Research Page: EVERYTHING from Arms to Horses to Costumes to Religion to Travels. If it´s not here, give up searching.

General discussion of the books (message boards, etc)

- The Gunroom
- The Gunroom´s Guide To POB Web Resources
- Archived discussions of The Gunroom, with a search engine
- John Finneran´s fantastic discussion of all the Aubrey-Maturin tales, plus all about POB (biography, bibliography, analysis and reviews of his books)
- El sollado de la Suprise (Forum in Spanish) (Now re-fitted, seaworthy, and sailing out again!)
- Мир Патрика О'Брайана (The World Of Patrick O´Brian): Debate and ongoing translation of the canon into Russian (Forum in Russian)
- POB reading circle
- POB´s manuscript notes of the first 18 Aubrey and Maturin novels, in the Lilly Library, with reader´s discussion (The Sea Room)
- POB´s manuscript notes in the Lilly Library: Inventory

Author´s editor sites

- England: Harper Collins
- España: Edhasa
- Magyarország: Magyar Könyvklub
- Rossiya: Amfora
- USA: Norton

Places real (and imagined) in the Aubreyad:

In England:
- Ashgrove area
- London Guildhall
- Melbury House
- Old Bailey, online
- Woolcombe House, Dorset
- The Royal Exchange in London, and Cornhill
- The Gunroom Lissun´s London Locator

In France:
- Collioure: The village where POB lived and wrote the Aubreyad

In Ireland:

In Spain

1) Catalonia:
- Castle of Requeséns (in Catalan, my version in English is here)
- Eastern Pyrenees, Sant Climent, the Alberà mountain range where Maturin´s castle is
- Napoleonic war in Catalonia (1808-14)

2) Minorca:
- Minorca
- The Complete History of Minorca
- A guide to Port Mahon
- "The Hoopoe of Mahon" - all news about Port Mahon (and the rest of the Balearic Islands)
- Admiral Collingwood´s House (now Hotel del Almirante), Port Mahon, which has its own Webpage
- Many images of canon sightings of Mahon, including the Church of Sta Maria, the port, the beach, and local flora and fauna specimens

Historical background of the Aubreyad

- Aboukir, battle of
- Catalonia: popular resistance during Napoleonic times
- Catalan guerrillas and regular forces during Napoleonic times
- Irish rebellion (1798)
- Irish Penal Laws (complete)
- Ireland: National Archives
- Minorca during British rule: The Golden Era of Governor Kane
- The Napoleonic Wars: A Summary
- The Napoleon Series: Everything about Bonaparte
- The Napoleonic Guide: Armies, Background, Battles, Campaigns, Hornblower, and Sharpe
- The Napoleon Bonaparte Internet Guide
- Napoleon´s Empire: the time-traveller´s guide
- The Regency Army

Real figures who inspired the Aubreyad´s characters

- Banks, Joseph: the model for Sir Joseph Blaine?
- Bonaparte, Napoleon I: Memoirs
- Christy-Pallière, Captain Jean-Anne
- Cochrane, Thomas: the model for Jack Aubrey
- Cochrane, Thomas (II) (site: Historical Maritime Society)
- Cochrane, Thomas: His Life
- Cochrane, Thomas: a short bio
- Admiral Collingwood (it´s in the music room of his house that Aubrey and Maturin first meet)
- Admiral Collingwood, II
- Admiral Collingwood, III
- Admiral Collingwood, IV
- Dundas, Heneage
- Admiral Viscount Exmouth (biography by Edward Osler): with info about Sir Edward Pellew
- Maturin/Mathurin in real history: saints, explorers, physicians, locations
- Maturin family in Ireland
- Maturin family coat of arms
- Napoleon´s Mémoirs
- Nelson, Lord: a complete online biography
- Ramis i Ramis, Dr Joan
- Scott, Dr Alexander: the model for Stephen Maturin

Recommended essays re: various aspects of the Aubreyad

- "Law And Morality In "Post Captain", by Alison M. Sulentic

The Royal Navy and other terribly fascinating and nautical things

- Astronomy in the Aubreyad
- Dictionary of the Marine, by William Falconer
- Life at sea in the Royal Navy of the 18th Century (by Professor Andrew Lambert)
- Man in the Age of Sail
- Maritime history
- Maritime history citations for the Oxford English Dictionary (by Alan H. Hartley)
- Nautical words, terms and phrases
- Naval history
- Perpetual calendar
- Perpetual calendar with moon phases
- Rigs: A Guide
- Nauticalia links about the Napoleonic Era
- Nelson´s Navy
- Royal Naval Museum (Portsmouth)
- Shipping: glossary of terms
- Ships: the ships of Jack Aubrey
- Ships: HMS Bounty
- HMS: His Majesty´s Ship (series in French)
- Ships: "Surprise", formerly known as "Rose"
- Ships: HMS Victory
- Ships: "USS Constitution"
- The "Santísima Trinidad", Spanish flagship at Trafalgar and the only four-decker of its time
- Buy a giant model of the "Santísima Trinidad"
- More about the Santísima Trinidad
- More scale models of the Santísima Trinidad
- Poster of the Santísima Trinidad
- Shipwrecks
- "Rose" ship pinchase - what´s yer score?

- Life aboard a ship: Bells, clothing, food, illness, navigation, pirates and prizes, watches
- A Tall Ship Explained: All About Historical Ship Models

The Royal Navy:
- Articles of War
- Buggery
- Cant
- Customs and traditions
- Fighting instructions, 1530-1816 (Gutenberg e-book, Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX)
- History
- Napoleonic era

Simulators and games of reenactment:
- Art: WetCanvas School of Drawing: A step-by-step guide to draw a ship
- Battles: Reenact the battle of Trafalgar!
- Ships: "HMS Surprise" - a frigate free simulator for Windows

"Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World" - The motion picture

- Official site of the film (in English, Spanish, French, German, etc)
- Official Fox site
- Review of the Special Edition DVD
- NPR Peter Weir
- The swords featured in Captain Aubrey´s cabin
- Webcam with images of the Surprise

Music: Lyrics to songs, shanties and ariae in the Aubreyad

- "Admiral Hosier´s Ghost"
- "Croppies Lie Down"
- "Deh vieni, non tardar"
- "Don´t Forget Your Old Shipmates"
- "La Marseillaise" (French and English, with sheet music)
- "Possibile è la cosa, e naturale, e se Susanna vuol..." (from: Le Nozze Di Figaro)
- "Spanish Ladies"
- Shanties and sea songs

Flora and fauna in the Aubreyad, in order of appearance

- English to Gaelic names of plants
- The hoopoe (Upupa epops) ("Master and Commander")
- The red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) ("Master and Commander")
- The nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)("Master and Commander")
- Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) ("Master and Commander")
- Phanerogam books (of Ossory?) ("Master and Commander")
- Sexual phanerogam. Yes, really ("Master and Commander")
- Erratic ant photo (Tapinoma erraticum) ("Master and Commander")
- Erratic ant description ("Master and Commander")
- Asp, or Montpellier snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) ("Master and Commander")
- Pongo (Pongo pygmaeus) ("Master and Commander")
- The squill (Urginea scilla) ("Master and Commander")
- The squill (Scilla verna) ("Master and Commander")
- The shark ("Post Captain" "HMS Surprise")
- The remora (Remora sp) ("Master and Commander", "HMS Surprise")
- The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) ("HMS Surprise")
- The tern (several subspecies; link to overview and list of them) ("HMS Surprise")
- The flying fish (Exocoetidae ssp.) ("HMS Surprise")
- The woodlice (Porcellio scaber) ("HMS Surprise")
- The gannet (Sula leucogaster) ("HMS Surprise")
- ("HMS Surprise")
- ("HMS Surprise")
- Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) ("Post Captain")
- The three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactilus) ("HMS Surprise")
- A collection of birds local to Minorca
- Papers of Sir Joseph Banks

Science in the Aubreyad

- The Royal Society: Philosophical transactions (1757-1777)

Medicine in the Aubreyad

- Maturin´s Medicine
- Addiction in the 19th Century
- Anatomy: a history
- Blane, Sir Gilbert, author of "Observations on the diseases of seamen" and other staples of Dr Stephen Maturin´s reference library
- Blane, Sir Gilbert: a biography
- Bloodletting
- Bloodletting and the four humours (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy)
- Diseases: A glossary
- Drugs: Psychoactive substances and herbs
- Herbals: Culpepper´s Complete Herbal
- Instruments and medicines in the 19th century
- Medical terms, and common causes of death in the past
- Medicine in England in the 19th century
- Medicine in the Royal Navy
- Military medicine (15th to 19th Centuries)
- Opium: Brief history
- Opium: Social effects of its use (essay by Lea Smalls)
- The Physical Society
- The Royal Medical Society: A History

Fiddler´s Green Club: Playing, relaxing, smoking (and other indulgences) like Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin

- Card games (historic)
- Duelling: The compleat Irish Duelling Code
- Fencing: old sword play
- Fencing:Angelo´s Academy
- Fencing: slang
- Newspapers of England, 1800-1900
- Poetry in the Napoleonic Wars
- Whist: playing rules
- Bath papers, ads, and anecdotes 1770-1800

Killick´s Store-room: eating and drinking with Captain Aubrey

- Food time-line
- Minorcan gin brewed in the English tradition - since 1784!
- Irish recipes

The Admiralty: The First Lord´s Cabinet: correspondence, espionage, crime, diplomacy, maps, and the Yellow-Cover Files

- Espionage in the Napoleonic wars
- First Lords of the Admiralty
- London historical references and sights
- Maps of London
- Maps of London (John Snows)
- Maps of the Aubrey-Maturin voyages according to readers
- Maps: Old English Maps Database
- Map of the Admiralty in London
- The Liberties in London (nowadays known as the Estates of the Savoy)
- Napoleon's correspondence (1797-1815)
- Old Bailey Criminal Complete Records from 1674 to 1834
- The Historical Maritime Society
- What is "a rotten borough"?

The age of sail lives on: modern endeavours

- Modern sailing tours, Age of Sail-style
- La Ruta Quetzal (a Spanish-American modern age of sail adventure)
- "Windstärke 8": Sailing with the Bremen from Germany to America
- The Bremerhaven Sail 2005
- The Amsterdam Sail 2005

Tours about POB and his Aubreyad

esteven´s 2005 Aubrey and Maturin tour in London and Pompey:

- Part One: The Liberty of the Savoy, Somerset House, Seamen´s Hall, Royal Court of Justice, Hoare´s (Jack´s bank)
- Part Two: Newgate Prison, The Guildhall, The Marshalsea
- Part Three: The Admiralty, White´s, Lobb, Half-Moon Street, Ye Grapes, Charles Street,
- Part Four: Pompey, First Part
- Part Five: Pompey, Second Part, with photos
- Part Six: Pompey, Third Part: The Bears Are Loose!
- Part Seven: A Day In Greenwich and Westminster

- Patrick O´Brian Museum Trail (in England)
- Patrick O´Brian Ship Cruise: Barcelona, Port Mahon, Collioure, Toulon, etc. (2005)
- Trips and events related to Jack and Stephen´s adventures
- A cruise to POB´s house in Collioure, guided by his stepson, Count Tolstoy

Books and merchandise related to the Age of Sail and POB´s Aubreyad

- Age of Sail novel series by authors (A to Z)
- Nautic library shop (en Català)
- More sea books
- "Tall Ship Books" - The catalogue
- Online Nautical Library Shop (Librería Náutica)
- Minorcan gin in the best English tradition since 1784
- Ship models, big and small, for every purse
- Jack Aubrey model miniature
- The Historical Maritime Society´s Bookshop
- Abebooks - Find any old, rare or out-of-print books in the world
- Nauticalia: All navigational gadgets, both antique reproductions and new
- Medical antique collectibles
- More medical antique collectibles (Alex Peck´s site)

Museums for the POB and Aubreyad fan

- Red House Stables Working Carriage Museum (Derbyshire, England)
- Portsmouth Historic Dockyard (Portsmouth, England)
- Chatham Historic Dockyard (Chatham (Kent), England)
- Royal Naval Museum (Portsmouth, England)
- The Maritime Museum, Buckler´s Hard (Brockenhurst (Hampshire), England)
- National Maritime Museum, London

Timeline and converters for amounts, sizes, weights and measures

- Coins of England and Great Britain
- Coinage in England: a history
- Digital History timeline
- Events in the books and in real history: a timeline
- Jack Aubrey´s career prior to the Aubreyad canon (a Gunroom page)
- Money converter

Artwork by Geoff Hunt, artwork by fans, screencaps and icons:

- Geoff Hunt Portfolio
- Geoff Hunt and other artists´ work reproductions for sale
- HMS Surprise in mourning
- The None Such
- MAD Comic parody of "Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World" - the movie"
- Jack Aubrey screencaps

Aubreyad communities, fan sites, and fan fiction

- The Nelson Society
- "Hello Sailor!" site: all about the Hornblower, Aubrey and Maturin, and other Age of Sail series
- Lawrence Edwards´ POB site
- Lawrence Edwards´ Age of Sail site
- Historical links for fan fic writers
- Livejournal´s "Perfect_Duet" community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"
- Livejournal´s "Master and Commander" community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"
- Livejournal´s POB community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"
- Livejournal´s Stephen Maturin community. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"
- Salty Seamen: Adult Aubrey/Maturin fan fiction. WARNING: Most of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"

Regency customs, costumes, etc

- Regency resources
- Baby names in the Regency era
- Fashion and style in the Regency era
- Costumes of the Regency era
- Costumes for ladies (19th century)
- Costumes for men
- Marriages in the Regency era
- Neckcloths in the Regency era
- Post and mail in the Regency era
- Prices and wages: a history
- Religion: The Lord´s Prayer in 100 languages

Teach yourself the languages in the Aubreyad


- Universitat de Barcelona online courses
- Catalán para castellanoparlantes
- A thousand links to learn Catalan online, interactively
- A fun Catalan course: "A visit to Port Mahon"


- Basic Gaelic
- Celtic Languages (Breton, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Manx)
- Gaelic lessons online
- Scottish audio online Gaelic lessons

Stalking my favourite Aubreyad character, the real Capitaine Jean-Anne Christy-Pallière, Gatherer Supreme of rose-pods by appointment to His Imperial Majesty Napoleon I:

- A piece of the action!

(Assorted links still to be sorted out:)

Boys Manual http://www.pbenyon.plus.com/B_S_M/Contents.html
Journal Endeavour http://www.nla.gov.au/apps/cdview?pi=nla.ms-ms1
Marshalsea http://www.collectbritain.co.uk/personalisation/object.cfm?uid=007000000000016U00046000
Wiliam Falconer http://southseas.nla.gov.au/refs/falc/title.html
PASC http://www.agbfinebooks.com/Publications/PASC/PASCUpdate/PASCerrors.htm
Guide for the Perplexed http://www.agbfinebooks.com/Publications/Perp2004/Home/Perp2004Home.htm
Faulkner http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/ImPage.cfm?BibID=10972&ChapterId=1
Humorous passages in POB http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/cmin/quote/quo.html
Tall Ships Salty Dogs http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues03/dec03/pdf/obrian.pdf
The Mother of all maritime links http://www.boat-links.com/linklists/boatlink-19.html
POB Museum trail http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/trlout/TRA10666.html
MandC Museum trail http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/trlout_gfx_en/TRA18701.html
Timeline http://www.personal.usyd.edu.au/~slaw/SuesPage/aubrey.htm
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