Work in progress: all relevant links are welcome so if you have any, post them under "Comments" and if they´re new, you´ll be duly credited.
A very big thank you to
esteven and
cruisedirector for contributing links :)
The ultimate historical research link directory:
Deb´s Historical Research Page: EVERYTHING from Arms to Horses to Costumes to Religion to Travels. If it´s not here, give up searching. General discussion of the books (message boards, etc)
The Gunroom-
The Gunroom´s Guide To POB Web Resources-
Archived discussions of The Gunroom, with a search engine-
John Finneran´s fantastic discussion of all the Aubrey-Maturin tales, plus all about POB (biography, bibliography, analysis and reviews of his books)-
El sollado de la Suprise (Forum in Spanish) (Now re-fitted, seaworthy, and sailing out again!)
Мир Патрика О'Брайана (The World Of Patrick O´Brian): Debate and ongoing translation of the canon into Russian (Forum in Russian)-
POB reading circle-
POB´s manuscript notes of the first 18 Aubrey and Maturin novels, in the Lilly Library, with reader´s discussion (The Sea Room)-
POB´s manuscript notes in the Lilly Library: Inventory Author´s editor sites
England: Harper Collins-
España: Edhasa-
Magyarország: Magyar Könyvklub-
Rossiya: Amfora-
USA: Norton Places real (and imagined) in the Aubreyad:
In England:
Ashgrove area-
London Guildhall-
Melbury House-
Old Bailey, online-
Woolcombe House, Dorset-
The Royal Exchange in London, and Cornhill-
The Gunroom Lissun´s London Locator In France:
Collioure: The village where POB lived and wrote the Aubreyad In Ireland:
In Spain
1) Catalonia:
Castle of Requeséns (in Catalan, my version in English is here)
Eastern Pyrenees, Sant Climent, the Alberà mountain range where Maturin´s castle is-
Napoleonic war in Catalonia (1808-14) 2) Minorca:
The Complete History of Minorca-
A guide to Port Mahon-
"The Hoopoe of Mahon" - all news about Port Mahon (and the rest of the Balearic Islands)-
Admiral Collingwood´s House (now Hotel del Almirante), Port Mahon, which has its own
Many images of canon sightings of Mahon, including the Church of Sta Maria, the port, the beach, and local flora and fauna specimens Historical background of the Aubreyad
Aboukir, battle of-
Catalonia: popular resistance during Napoleonic times-
Catalan guerrillas and regular forces during Napoleonic times-
Irish rebellion (1798)-
Irish Penal Laws (complete)-
Ireland: National Archives-
Minorca during British rule: The Golden Era of Governor Kane-
The Napoleonic Wars: A Summary-
The Napoleon Series: Everything about Bonaparte-
The Napoleonic Guide: Armies, Background, Battles, Campaigns, Hornblower, and Sharpe-
The Napoleon Bonaparte Internet Guide-
Napoleon´s Empire: the time-traveller´s guide-
The Regency Army Real figures who inspired the Aubreyad´s characters
Banks, Joseph: the model for Sir Joseph Blaine?-
Bonaparte, Napoleon I: Memoirs -
Christy-Pallière, Captain Jean-Anne-
Cochrane, Thomas: the model for Jack Aubrey-
Cochrane, Thomas (II) (site: Historical Maritime Society)-
Cochrane, Thomas: His Life-
Cochrane, Thomas: a short bio-
Admiral Collingwood (it´s in the music room of his house that Aubrey and Maturin first meet)-
Admiral Collingwood, II-
Admiral Collingwood, III-
Admiral Collingwood, IV-
Dundas, Heneage-
Admiral Viscount Exmouth (biography by Edward Osler): with info about Sir Edward Pellew-
Maturin/Mathurin in real history: saints, explorers, physicians, locations-
Maturin family in Ireland-
Maturin family coat of arms-
Napoleon´s Mémoirs-
Nelson, Lord: a complete online biography-
Ramis i Ramis, Dr Joan-
Scott, Dr Alexander: the model for Stephen Maturin Recommended essays re: various aspects of the Aubreyad
"Law And Morality In "Post Captain", by Alison M. Sulentic The Royal Navy and other terribly fascinating and nautical things
Astronomy in the Aubreyad-
Dictionary of the Marine, by William Falconer-
Life at sea in the Royal Navy of the 18th Century (by Professor Andrew Lambert)-
Man in the Age of Sail -
Maritime history-
Maritime history citations for the Oxford English Dictionary (by Alan H. Hartley)-
Nautical words, terms and phrases-
Naval history-
Perpetual calendar-
Perpetual calendar with moon phases-
Rigs: A Guide-
Nauticalia links about the Napoleonic Era-
Nelson´s Navy-
Royal Naval Museum (Portsmouth)-
Shipping: glossary of terms-
Ships: the ships of Jack Aubrey-
Ships: HMS Bounty-
HMS: His Majesty´s Ship (series in French)-
Ships: "Surprise", formerly known as "Rose"-
Ships: HMS Victory-
Ships: "USS Constitution"-
The "Santísima Trinidad", Spanish flagship at Trafalgar and the only four-decker of its time-
Buy a giant model of the "Santísima Trinidad"-
More about the Santísima Trinidad-
More scale models of the Santísima Trinidad-
Poster of the Santísima Trinidad-
"Rose" ship pinchase - what´s yer score? -
Life aboard a ship: Bells, clothing, food, illness, navigation, pirates and prizes, watches-
A Tall Ship Explained: All About Historical Ship Models The Royal Navy:
Articles of War-
Customs and traditions-
Fighting instructions, 1530-1816 (Gutenberg e-book, Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX)-
Napoleonic era Simulators and games of reenactment:
Art: WetCanvas School of Drawing: A step-by-step guide to draw a ship-
Battles: Reenact the battle of Trafalgar!-
Ships: "HMS Surprise" - a frigate free simulator for Windows "Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World" - The motion picture
Official site of the film (in English, Spanish, French, German, etc)-
Official Fox site-
Review of the Special Edition DVD-
NPR Peter Weir-
The swords featured in Captain Aubrey´s cabin-
Webcam with images of the Surprise Music: Lyrics to songs, shanties and ariae in the Aubreyad
"Admiral Hosier´s Ghost"-
"Croppies Lie Down"-
"Deh vieni, non tardar"-
"Don´t Forget Your Old Shipmates"-
"La Marseillaise" (French and English, with sheet music)-
"Possibile è la cosa, e naturale, e se Susanna vuol..." (from: Le Nozze Di Figaro)-
"Spanish Ladies"-
Shanties and sea songs Flora and fauna in the Aubreyad, in order of appearance
English to Gaelic names of plants-
The hoopoe (Upupa epops) ("Master and Commander")-
The red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) ("Master and Commander")-
The nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)("Master and Commander")-
Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) ("Master and Commander")-
Phanerogam books (of Ossory?) ("Master and Commander")-
Sexual phanerogam. Yes, really ("Master and Commander") -
Erratic ant photo (Tapinoma erraticum) ("Master and Commander")-
Erratic ant description ("Master and Commander") -
Asp, or Montpellier snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) ("Master and Commander")-
Pongo (Pongo pygmaeus) ("Master and Commander")-
The squill (Urginea scilla) ("Master and Commander")-
The squill (Scilla verna) ("Master and Commander")-
The shark ("Post Captain" "HMS Surprise")-
The remora (Remora sp) ("Master and Commander", "HMS Surprise")-
The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) ("HMS Surprise")-
The tern (several subspecies; link to overview and list of them) ("HMS Surprise")-
The flying fish (Exocoetidae ssp.) ("HMS Surprise")-
The woodlice (Porcellio scaber) ("HMS Surprise")-
The gannet (Sula leucogaster) ("HMS Surprise")- ("HMS Surprise")
- ("HMS Surprise")
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) ("Post Captain")-
The three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactilus) ("HMS Surprise")-
A collection of birds local to Minorca-
Papers of Sir Joseph Banks-
Science in the Aubreyad
The Royal Society: Philosophical transactions (1757-1777)-
Medicine in the Aubreyad
Maturin´s Medicine-
Addiction in the 19th Century-
Anatomy: a history-
Blane, Sir Gilbert, author of "Observations on the diseases of seamen" and other staples of Dr Stephen Maturin´s reference library-
Blane, Sir Gilbert: a biography-
Bloodletting and the four humours (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy)-
Diseases: A glossary-
Drugs: Psychoactive substances and herbs-
Herbals: Culpepper´s Complete Herbal-
Instruments and medicines in the 19th century-
Medical terms, and common causes of death in the past-
Medicine in England in the 19th century-
Medicine in the Royal Navy-
Military medicine (15th to 19th Centuries)-
Opium: Brief history-
Opium: Social effects of its use (essay by Lea Smalls)-
The Physical Society-
The Royal Medical Society: A History-
Fiddler´s Green Club: Playing, relaxing, smoking (and other indulgences) like Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin
Card games (historic)-
Duelling: The compleat Irish Duelling Code-
Fencing: old sword play-
Fencing:Angelo´s Academy-
Fencing: slang-
Newspapers of England, 1800-1900-
Poetry in the Napoleonic Wars-
Whist: playing rules-
Bath papers, ads, and anecdotes 1770-1800 Killick´s Store-room: eating and drinking with Captain Aubrey
Food time-line-
Minorcan gin brewed in the English tradition - since 1784!-
Irish recipes The Admiralty: The First Lord´s Cabinet: correspondence, espionage, crime, diplomacy, maps, and the Yellow-Cover Files
Espionage in the Napoleonic wars-
First Lords of the Admiralty-
London historical references and sights-
Maps of London-
Maps of London (John Snows)-
Maps of the Aubrey-Maturin voyages according to readers-
Maps: Old English Maps Database-
Map of the Admiralty in London-
The Liberties in London (nowadays known as the Estates of the Savoy)-
Napoleon's correspondence (1797-1815)-
Old Bailey Criminal Complete Records from 1674 to 1834-
The Historical Maritime Society-
What is "a rotten borough"? The age of sail lives on: modern endeavours
Modern sailing tours, Age of Sail-style-
La Ruta Quetzal (a Spanish-American modern age of sail adventure)-
"Windstärke 8": Sailing with the Bremen from Germany to America-
The Bremerhaven Sail 2005-
The Amsterdam Sail 2005 Tours about POB and his Aubreyad
esteven´s 2005 Aubrey and Maturin tour in London and Pompey:
Part One: The Liberty of the Savoy, Somerset House, Seamen´s Hall, Royal Court of Justice, Hoare´s (Jack´s bank)-
Part Two: Newgate Prison, The Guildhall, The Marshalsea-
Part Three: The Admiralty, White´s, Lobb, Half-Moon Street, Ye Grapes, Charles Street, -
Part Four: Pompey, First Part-
Part Five: Pompey, Second Part, with photos-
Part Six: Pompey, Third Part: The Bears Are Loose!-
Part Seven: A Day In Greenwich and Westminster -
Patrick O´Brian Museum Trail (in England)-
Patrick O´Brian Ship Cruise: Barcelona, Port Mahon, Collioure, Toulon, etc. (2005)-
Trips and events related to Jack and Stephen´s adventures-
A cruise to POB´s house in Collioure, guided by his stepson, Count Tolstoy Books and merchandise related to the Age of Sail and POB´s Aubreyad
Age of Sail novel series by authors (A to Z)-
Nautic library shop (en Català)-
More sea books-
"Tall Ship Books" - The catalogue-
Online Nautical Library Shop (Librería Náutica)-
Minorcan gin in the best English tradition since 1784-
Ship models, big and small, for every purse-
Jack Aubrey model miniature-
The Historical Maritime Society´s Bookshop-
Abebooks - Find any old, rare or out-of-print books in the world-
Nauticalia: All navigational gadgets, both antique reproductions and new-
Medical antique collectibles-
More medical antique collectibles (Alex Peck´s site) Museums for the POB and Aubreyad fan
Red House Stables Working Carriage Museum (Derbyshire, England)-
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard (Portsmouth, England)-
Chatham Historic Dockyard (Chatham (Kent), England)-
Royal Naval Museum (Portsmouth, England)-
The Maritime Museum, Buckler´s Hard (Brockenhurst (Hampshire), England)-
National Maritime Museum, London-
Timeline and converters for amounts, sizes, weights and measures
Coins of England and Great Britain-
Coinage in England: a history-
Digital History timeline-
Events in the books and in real history: a timeline-
Jack Aubrey´s career prior to the Aubreyad canon (a Gunroom page)-
Money converter Artwork by Geoff Hunt, artwork by fans, screencaps and icons:
Geoff Hunt Portfolio-
Geoff Hunt and other artists´ work reproductions for sale-
HMS Surprise in mourning-
The None Such-
MAD Comic parody of "Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World" - the movie"-
Jack Aubrey screencaps Aubreyad communities, fan sites, and fan fiction
The Nelson Society-
"Hello Sailor!" site: all about the Hornblower, Aubrey and Maturin, and other Age of Sail series-
Lawrence Edwards´ POB site-
Lawrence Edwards´ Age of Sail site-
Historical links for fan fic writers-
Livejournal´s "Perfect_Duet" community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"-
Livejournal´s "Master and Commander" community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"-
Livejournal´s POB community: fan-art, fan fiction, assorted Aubrey and Maturin-related links and events. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"-
Livejournal´s Stephen Maturin community. WARNING: Some of the material rates definitely as "adults-only"-
Salty Seamen: Adult Aubrey/Maturin fan fiction. WARNING: Most of the material rates definitely as "adults-only" Regency customs, costumes, etc
Regency resources-
Baby names in the Regency era-
Fashion and style in the Regency era-
Costumes of the Regency era-
Costumes for ladies (19th century)-
Costumes for men-
Marriages in the Regency era-
Neckcloths in the Regency era-
Post and mail in the Regency era-
Prices and wages: a history-
Religion: The Lord´s Prayer in 100 languages Teach yourself the languages in the Aubreyad
Universitat de Barcelona online courses-
Catalán para castellanoparlantes-
A thousand links to learn Catalan online, interactively-
A fun Catalan course: "A visit to Port Mahon" Gaelic:
Basic Gaelic-
Celtic Languages (Breton, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Manx)-
Gaelic lessons online-
Scottish audio online Gaelic lessons Stalking my favourite Aubreyad character, the real Capitaine Jean-Anne Christy-Pallière, Gatherer Supreme of rose-pods by appointment to His Imperial Majesty Napoleon I:
A piece of the action!-
(Assorted links still to be sorted out:)
Boys Manual Journal Endeavour Marshalsea Wiliam Falconer PASC Guide for the Perplexed Faulkner Humorous passages in POB Tall Ships Salty Dogs The Mother of all maritime links POB Museum trail MandC Museum trail Timeline