Jurassic Mav

Mar 13, 2012 14:09

AKA, what teachers do on their Spring Break. That would be me, my friend A, and Mr. T-Rex.

Seriously though, if you are in Memphis between now and July 8th, you should go to the Memphis Zoo and see the dinosaurs. Also, you can now feed the giraffes along with all the other cool exhibits.

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jurassic mav

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Comments 14

pollitt March 13 2012, 19:23:18 UTC
Heee! Love it!


maverick4oz March 13 2012, 19:30:43 UTC
We had a blast. No feeding of the giraffes though because you can only do that Wed thru Sun. :(


catheights March 13 2012, 19:47:56 UTC
LOL. Awesome photo! I bet it was an absolute blast walking through that exhibit. It would have made me want to write Primeval fic. *g*


maverick4oz March 13 2012, 20:02:07 UTC
Anytime, I do a reaction shot like that, it always makes me think of you, Mr. Cat, (and extremely large roosters). One of the dinosaurs spits water, so that was a huge hit with the kids. I smartly timed it out and walked through it when it wasn't spitting. FYI, I'm sending you the link to my flickr stream of the dinos. Maybe it will inspire a Primeval drabble or two.


colleendetroit March 14 2012, 00:07:50 UTC
Hah! Love the pic, and would love to feed some giraffes! ♥


maverick4oz March 14 2012, 02:25:06 UTC
Sadly, no giraffe feedings today as it's only Wed-Sun, but as I'm a very enthusiastic member of the Memphis Zoo, I'll be back to feed the giraffes soon.


duffy_99 March 14 2012, 00:31:40 UTC
There is no limit to the amount of awesome this is!


maverick4oz March 14 2012, 02:26:03 UTC
There really isn't is there. So. Much. Fun.


pirl March 14 2012, 01:24:22 UTC
You get to FEED the GIRAFFES?!?!! That's mega-awesome. :D


maverick4oz March 14 2012, 02:27:32 UTC
You know, Pirly-Q, it's been an awful longtime since you and the roommate came to visit. Just saying, it could now include GIRAFFE feedings...


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